Chapter 5

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                 Glinda and Elphaba went out. The Ozians stood in horror. "Miss Glinda, did you know about her being alive?!" Asked a citizen angrily. Glinda gulped and nodded. "But listen, please, she just found out today." Said Elphaba.

"Why did you come back? Your wicked!" Said another citizen. Anger hit Glinda like a stream meeting a boulder halfway though wood. "But she isn't wicked." Said Glinda. "Yes she is." Said another citizen.

"No sir, she isn't." Said Glinda trying to get the madness to stop. The man grabbed Elphaba and Glinda got more furious. "S-sir, please, just stop." Said Glinda. The man didn't care what Glinda said.

The man slapped Elphaba and dragged her now. Glinda was both sad and furious now. "NO!!!! ELPHIE!!!!!!!!!." Yelled Glinda at the top of her lungs. A man held her back and she started to cry.

"It's alright, just relax. It'll be ok, I promise." The man whispered. The man put a poppy rose in front of her and Glinda fell asleep. The man that held her back was silly.

Silly carried Glinda back to her room. He put her gently on the bed. He kissed her on the forehead. "I'll get Elphie back. I promise. I will bring her straight here." Silly said in Glinda's ear.

Silly tucked the fragile woman in her bed tight. He fluffed her pillow and made it comfortable for her as possible. Silly ran out of her room and went to get Elphaba.

The man had Elphaba gripped to him right. Elphaba tried to get him to let go but she had no luck. Silly saw the man taking her to the angry mob about to do something to her when-

"LET HER GO!!!!" Silly demanded. The citizens rolled their eyes and gave Elphaba to silly. Silly took Elphaba to Glinda. Silly led Elphaba to Glinda's room.

"Watch over her. She's been through a lot." Said silly. Elphaba nodded. "I'll always be here for Glinda." She said. Silly smiled.

Elphaba saw that Glinda got put to sleep again. To her it was a shame to her that Silly has to do this to her to calm her down.

Elphaba looked at Glinda and was heart wrenched. "Poor Glinda. She's so sweet and fragile, and if they find out I'm here, people will hurt her." Elphaba thought.

Elphaba thought it was best to let Glinda sleep through the night. Elphaba searched Glinda's wardrobe for a night gown for herself.

Elphaba put on a silky blue nightgown. She got out a blanket and a pillow and slept on the floor in Glinda's room.

Elphaba looked up the poppy flowers in her book. It said: poppies put you to sleep. After 6 hours you will awake.

"That's good enough for me." Elphaba thought.
Elphaba got in her sleeping spot and started to sleep. 6 hours later she was awoken by Glinda screaming hysterically from another nightmare.

Elphaba rushed to Glinda to comfort her. "Shh. Shhh. It's alright Glinda. I'm alright." Said Elphaba. "Elphie?" Asked Glinda. "Yes, it's me, it ok, just relax." Said Elphaba trying to calm the fragile Glinda down.

"Glinda, please tell me what happened." Said Elphaba. "I had a nightmare you died for real." Said Glinda. Elphaba couldn't help but be heart wrenched. Glinda cried. "Shh. I'm alright. I'm alright. It was only a nightmare. Your alright now Glinda." Said Elphaba.

After a while Glinda stopped crying. "Elphie, you won't do that again will you?" Asked Glinda crying s little less. "No! Never. I promise." Said Elphaba.

Glinda smiled. "Thank you." Glinda said. "Your welcome." Said Elphaba wiping Glinda's tears. Glinda fell asleep while Elphaba was hugging her and Elphaba laid Glinda gently on her bed and went back to her sleeping spot.

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