Chapter 4

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Elphaba lay awake. She thought and thought about what to do. She missed Glinda and wanted Fiyero to stay safe. She decided not to tell. It was settled. Elphaba decided to go see Glinda without telling Fiyero.

Glinda was asleep in her room. It was 8:30 am. Elphaba flew on her broomstick. She saw a blonde girl in a pink night gown in her room. "This has to be it." Elphaba thought.

She went in Glinda's room and turned the woman over hoping not to wake her. But she didn't wake. She found a bowl of snow. "She must be under a poppy flower spell." Elphaba thought.

Elphaba sprinkled the snow on Glinda's head. Glinda's eyes slowly opened. She saw green skin and an black dress. "Hello Glinda." Said Elphaba trying her best to contain her excitement. Glinda smiled bigger than she had in, well forever! She shot  up from her bed and hugged Elphaba.

"Oh Elphie! I've missed you so!" Said Glinda crying tears of joy. "I've missed you too." Said Elphaba. "How did you get here?" Glinda asked. "I flew? How do you think silly?" Asked Elphaba.

"I don't k ow Elphie. I just missed you." Said Glinda. Elphaba hugged Glinda tight. Glinda cried. "Oh, Glinda, I know, I'm sorry I should've told." Said Elphaba. Glinda nodded in agreement.

"I forgive you Elphie." Said Glinda. "I know. You'll always forgive." Said Elphaba. "Should we do something fun now that your back?!" Glinda asked with joy. "I wish, but what will the Ozians think?" Asked Elphaba.

Glinda scoffed. "The Ozians, are just gonna have to deal with it." Said Glinda. Elphaba wanted to say something, but knowing Glinda, there was no changing her mind.

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