Chapter 7

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Hey guys!😊 sorry about those typos! Enjoy!!😊

     The Ozians were trying get rid of Elphaba and held Glinda down. "We'll deal with you later." An Ozian said to Glinda. Glinda just shook in horror. "ELPHIE!!!" Yelled Glinda.

"STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Glinda. "Yes your goodness." The Ozians said. The Ozians just stood there and stared at her. "Please, fellow Ozians,let Elphaba go." Glinda pleaded.

"Why your goodness?" Asked a citizen. "She's not wicked. I can prove it." Replied Glinda. "How?!" A citizen demanded. "She's my friend. I know her!" Replied Glinda. "Do you? Do you really?" Asked a citizen.

Glinda have him a deadly stare. Which was very unusual. Especially Glinda, because she never gave ANYONE deadly stares. EVER!!! But when I came to Elphaba, she wasn't that fragile sensitive person we all know she is.
That is until Elphaba came into her life.

"She tried to save Boq's life! Please! She didn't mean to turn him into tin! Boq! Boq please surely you understand for me!" Exclaimed Glinda with hope. "Oh I understand." Said Boq. Glinda let out a relief until... "THAT YOU HARBORED A FUGITIVE!!!!" Exclaimed Boq. "Boq please!!!" Exclaimed Glinda. Boq was clearly not going to give in. So Glinda had to do the unthinkable. "Boq! Listen! If you help me.." Glinda almost pewked in her mouth. "ILL GO ON A DATE WITH YOU!!!" Glinda exclaimed. Boq's eyes widened with delight.

"Very well then." Said Boq pulling Glinda. "KEEP THE GREEN ONE!" "BOQ!!!" Exclaimed Glinda. Boq rolled his eyes. "Bring the green on here." He said. Glinda and Elphaba hugged.

"Glinda, why would you do that?!" Exclaimed Elphaba. "Why would I let my Ozians kill another at the steak?!!" Glinda shouted in horror.

"But Glinda, going on that date with him will be torture!" Exclaimed Elphaba. "Elphie, what you were going to face was WAY worse than what I'm going to face!" Said Glinda. After that they hugged and Glinda cried.

"Elphie, listen to me, if they hurt you, they will be picking there noses with sparkles!!!!!" Yelled Glinda. "Glinda, you need to work on you threats." Elphaba said. "*gasp* Never!!" Glinda said in a shocked voice.

Elphaba just took walked with Glinda back home. An Ozian grabbed Glinda. "LET GO OF ME!! IN THE NAME OF GOODNESS RELEASE!!!" Shouted Glinda.

Elphaba's eyes widened and ran after Glinda as fast as she could. "Why should we let you go you were harboring a fugitive!!" Exclaimed an Ozian. "Boq you said you would stop this!!" Exclaimed Glinda.

Boq rolled his eyes. "I don't care I don't want my future wife to harbor fugitives!!" Yelled Boq. "BOQ!!! I NEVER WANTED TO MARRY YOU!!!" Glinda yelled.

"LET HER GO NNNNOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!" Screamed Elphaba as loud as she could. That loud scream caused everyone to fall . Boq lost control and knocked Glinda out unconscious.

Elphaba was panting from that loud scream. She saw Glinda unconscious. Boq saw what he had done. He ran over to Glinda but Elphaba slapped him. "STAY AWAY YOU CREEP!!!" Yelled Elphaba slapping Boq in the face.

Elphaba shook Glinda. Glinda woke up instantly. "Are you ok Elphie, are you ok?" Glinda asked. Elphaba nodded and hugged Glinda tightly.

The two of them went back to her house. "Elphie, you won't fool me like that again will you?" Asked Glinda. Elphaba smiled and shook her head. "Never Glinda. Never." Said Elphaba hugging Glinda.

"Elphie, will Boq be ok?" Glinda asked. "I thought you hated him." Said Elphaba. "I forgive him, and I hope the Ozians will be ok tomorrow with you here." Said Glinda. "Me to." Said Elphaba as she hugged Glinda. Glinda hugged back. Then they started to sing.

"Two friends."

"Two good friends."

"Two best friends."


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