Chapter 3

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Jenny brushed and brushed poor Glinda's hair while they talked. "So, how are you doing, about the whole, Elphaba thing?" Asked Jenny. Tears started to flood Glinda's eyes, but she was determined to hold them back. She knew Elphie would hate to see her cry.

"Not well." Answered Glinda. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Said Jenny. "Thank you. I hope life has done you well." Said Glinda smiling. Jenny hugged Glinda. Glinda hugged Jenny back. "Glinda, are you gonna be alright?" Asked Jenny. "I'll try." Answered Glinda. "Good." Said Jenny.

"I'll meet you at the dance." Said Jenny. Glinda nodded. Once Jenny was sure Glinda was far away from her room Glinda exploded. She started to cry a lot. Her hands were buried in her hands. She lifted her head, and  saw her mascara running down her face.

Glinda went to the bathroom to wipe it off. "I don't need make up anyway." Glinda thought. Later that evening Jenny picked up Glinda. "So are you ready to have some fun?!" Asked Jenny. Glinda nodded and smiled.

Glinda was sitting at a table alone. Then all of a sudden the loathe of her life came to her. "Hello Glinda!" Exclaimed the voice with joy. "Hello Boq." Said Glinda in the nicest way possible. "I've been thinking about Elphaba, leaving. She was so wicked. In the bad way, cuz, well, she is bad Glin." Said Boq. With every word hateful word Glinda felt tears coming on.

"Boq, please, I need to be alone." Said Glinda. "Oh come on Glin! Dance with me." Said Boq. "No thanks." Said Glinda trying to hold back her tears. Boq picked took Glinda's hand and took her to the dance floor.

Glinda kept on holding back tears as Boq kept on saying mean things about Elphaba. Glinda knew he deserved a slapping but she couldn't bring herself to do that. Jenny saw the state Glinda was in and she took her away from Boq.

Jenny took Glinda back to her room. Glinda started crying but at first, Jenny didn't see. "Sorry about that. Boq can be ridiculous." Said Jenny. "Glinda?" Jenny went over to Glinda and saw her face. "Oh sweetie." Jenny said as she hugged Glinda. "What's the matter?" Asked Jenny.

"I miss Elphie. If Boq found out, he'd tell everyone , and I'd loose all my other friends." Said Glinda crying. Jenny hugged Glinda. "Oh, Glinda, it's alright, believe me I didn't know Boq was gonna be there." Said Jenny. "Oh Jenny, it's alright, you didn't know." Said Glinda crying.

"Would you like to be left alone?" Jenny asked. "Yes, please." Said Glinda. Jenny left Glinda alone. Glinda out on her nightgown and climbed into bed. She couldn't sleep. Silly came in to check on her. He saw her crying. He put the poppy rose in front of her.

Instantly, Glinda was fast asleep. Silly kissed her on the for head. "Sleep well your goodness." Said Silly.

Wicked 2: Fan fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora