Chapter 6

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Taylor's POV
I wake up at zak's house the dream was weird it was like I knew her before like I saw her somewhere else before but actually I didn't really met her before she is just someone new to me and interesting that's all ....well I guess
" good morning sleepy head " says zak before coming in the room " don't you dare think that I forgot your state yesturday after the delicious breakfast nana made you will tell me everything in details " adds zak before forcing me to wake up
" And go take a shower you dirty thing " he says laughing while heading down stairs
" good morning Nana " I say while kissing her Nana is zaks big sis when he was young he was unable to pronounce Lana but it came out as Nana and since it's Nana funny story and funny people,but sometimes I'm not in the mood for their jokes " whats wrong Tay ? Did my brother do something wrong ?" She asks and zak sticks his tongue out to her, they act such as kids sometimes " no no I'm fine, everything is just GREAT " I say while grabbing a muffin " so Nana how Gabe ?" I ask her hoping I can change this subject " nice way to change the subject right now ! Well Gabe is okey and him too " she rubs her belly ...." OMG NO NO,you are pregnant ?" I start screaming I'm surprised happy for her she always wanted to have a baby and now her dream came true. " SHH don't scream zak shouldn't know that it's a surprise BTW Gabe dosent know it either " wait what ? ", Hum , why Gabe dosent know ?" Well I think he is cheating on me and I want to be sure before spending the rest of my life with somebody " Nana says and I see sadness all over her face this girl is really wise so wise and I love her for that
" Taaaaay you are going to be late for school " zak yells this guy really yells alot he needs to stop lol
" comiiiing " I yell back and Nana stars laughing because of my tone . we are in the shcool right now and Kylie is crying ..omg i dont know what to do I'm not good with calming people down all I can do is hug you and tell you that everything will be okey even tho I know it won't " kyliiiiiiie ?? What happend ?" I ask her worried while I hug her of course ." Nothing Tay I'm just ...can you please leave me alone a little bit I'll just go to the restroom and I'll join you to class and tell you everything right now I just need to calm down " she says and disappears . Fuck what the fuck is wrong with her ? I hate it when my friends are upset really it sucks . We are in class. Maths god what a day Kylie is sad and maths and i didn't do the homework this class is so lame I hate maths always did always will . And why two hours for God's sake ? Anyway the lesson started and when I check Stefanie she is talking to Marry and they both don't give a damn about the teacher yelling they keep on laughing ,Marry caughts me watching so i check on Kylie she is sad af and still she dosent want to tell me what's wrong so I make a move " Kylie maths are almost over and you still didn't tell me what the fucking fuck is wrong with you ?" I think Sam is cheating on me " she chocks me by saying but I don't get chocked you know guys are assholes " OMG babe I'm so sorry come here " hey Taylor Kylie this is isn't the first time you are meeting if you want to hug get out of my class " yells the teacher and adds " this class isn't over yet pfff" I don't talk I just get my hands of her and path her shoulder and say my fav sentence " everything will be okey " but then nth was okey because i started thinking is he cheating on me too ? IMPOSSIBLE
Is he cheating too ? We will maybe find out in the next chapter happy summer just got done with finals and I'm back I missed you monkeys 🐒🐒🐒🐒

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