Chapter 10

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Taylor's POV

i got so depressed its not like i wasnt depressed before but we could say things got out of control i wasn't focusing i was fighting with everyone around me , i was eating more and more and i was crying on every chance i had every sad song, every sad movie , every sad thing . I stopped talking t everyone nothing was interesting me anymore I lost my light now that I realise it it's not because of him . It's because I didn't know what i wanted but there was this one thing that took all my attention that one person and that was her "Stephany " . I was making sure to always sit in a place where I can sometimes look at what she was doing ,she was in some way interesting,funny, dark . To be honest it depended on days ..this girl had a secret or secrets....this
"Taaaaylor " said Kylie waking me from my thoughts
" What do you want Kylie ? " i didn't talk to her in a while but she didn't seem to give up
" What is up with you ? " She asks looking worried
" I'm fine...I'm just tired " i answer her and hide my face because I'm freaking features never help me with lies
" Yeah of course you are *tired* that's why you don't talk to me , you ignore me , you don't talk to anyone anymore and I saw you the morning coming alone not talking to your mom so something must be going on there...and " she started saying and I interrupt her
" Kylie...are you stalking me ?you really should be working with the FBI or something " i told her to lighten up the mood
" Yeah... I have this talent" she said and we started laughing so hard but we forgot that we were in class and the teacher was there
" Of course miss Taylor when it comes to laughing on stupid things you are the first one " mister Fisher said angrily and left I thought we were safe this time but Kylie couldn't stop
" Kylie shut up now he is gonna kick us out now " I told Kylie but it was too late
" Yes miss Taylor I'm going to do exactly this ...both of you OUT now !!" He yelled and Kylie was still laughing this girl has no limits but I wasn't mad at her she lightened up my mood and thanks to her I laughed since days . While I was taking my sttufs I looked at Stephany for a while and she was looking at her phone probably feeling bored then she looked at me but turned away so quickly that I hit my head with Kylie's and that made us laugh even harder so the teacher started yelling again and we went out running to the bathroom where we were hidden from the administration because we didn't want to be toasted I'm new here + my mom works in this shcool that I don't even like. I thought that maybe I should tell Kylie about Mark and what happend
" Hey you think Mark is cheating on me ? I mean I know he isn't the lover kind and is much of an asshole sometimes but do you think he could cheat on me ? " I asked her like she could know but at that moment I wanted her to tell me what I wanted to hear bit we don't always get what we want do we ?
" Im not gonna lie to you Tay he is a guy after all and you said it yourself he is a playboy to be honest i really think he would be a cheater " she said I was hurt at first but it's good to know that there are people out there telling you what they really think instead of making you happy all the time and one day they just break you
*Message from " my everything" *
" Did Mark texted you ? My everything really " asked Kylie and started laughing bit I stopped her because this time she was wrong
" Stop laughing you skank it's my mom ...she is my everything plus he wouldn't let me put that and he would say it's cheesy or make fun of me anyway let me see what mom wants
* Taylor I'm not going to be there for lunch i left you money at the administration*
"Well great if things couldn't get worst " i said with frustration
" What happened?" Asks Kylie
" Nothing , just I'm going to get launch alone again " i said sadly
" No you aren't ,you are coming with me because we are going to grab a pizza " she says to me this girl is really nice but I'm even if ,I'm taking my distances anyway ...I've never had someone to stay with all the god damn time at shcool but this girl is cool
" Sounds cool to me let me just grab the money that mom left me before she went when the bell rings of course " I tell her and then we spend the 20 minutes in silence on our phones .I was listening to the songs Mark sent me at first but they made me more depressed so I asked Kylie
" Hey do you have any happy songs ?cause I got only depressing shit here "
" You came to the right person I'll send you alot of songs on whatsaap later trust me the best songs ever " she says with a smile on her face this girl always smile and I found my self wondering how someone can always smile like this and always exited i got a little jealous because of my state right now comparing to hers.
While Kylie was ordering I was on whatsaap on the group class these people are so boring I was about to put my phone but Stephany talked on the group I was about to answer her but Mark sent me a message and in this message
* Hi, look i don't think this is going to work ....* I didn't read the rest so i knew that he was breaking up with me ..we were on and off Everytime but something told me that this time I'm gonna get me a knew bf I still love him probably will for the rest of my life but i have to live my life .
" Here I'm with our baes " she said laughing
" Kylie do you know a good app with Hot guys " I ask her and hope she dosent ask me anything
" Yeah , I like tinder you can download and use it oh there are so many hot guys I met ..." and she started telling me about guys that she met online and stories and we ate pizza and got back to shcool . I was tired of faking so i told Kylie that im going to class early and I know she likes to stay with her friends before class begins I went to class so I could be free but to my surprise Stephany is sitting in her usual spot listening to music closing her eyes . That's good she won't notice me anyway so I took a sit and I started crying and crying and I think the music stopped and she saw me .it was dark because I was closing my eyes but I know she saw me and she tired to ignore me but she finally asked me
" Hey you there ? What's up with you ?"
" Nothing I'm just tired ..long week" i said whipping my tears
" Yeah of course I know what it feels like to feel tired . I'm tired too " she said acting like she knows what's wrong with me so I decided to dig deeper
" Do you know what's its like to be in love ? But the other person don't really care and just plays you whenever they like and throw like piece of shit later ?" I can't beleive I told her my problem right away while I couldn't tell Kylie or Zak or anyone else
" Well no to be honest I don't ... I have never been in this situation before " she says while her features showed that she didn't really care or found it weird or sad or anything .
" It's just a boy that I love so much the only one I have ever loved he was one my dream came true but now he changed like he changed alooot and I just don't know him anymore " I started telling her and then I found my self next to her telling her all the story when I met Mark how how he broke my heart several times how he said he loved me in the first place and then said it was just lies I told her everything ..I also told her that my father died and she was listening to me carefully I told her that I wrote poems about him and she said that she wanted to see them I showed her one that I wrote today she said it was good and then it was my turn to ask her what was wrong with her . She told me she hated people and other personal sttufs and she started telling me some things too about her she said that she had a dog but he died and she misses him and when the bell rang I stayed next to her she didn't seem to mind and Mary too she just took another place while Kylie seemed having a problem I don't think she really likes Stephany but I do so it dosent matter . Talking to her I felt so good we stayed together the whole afternoon and at the end of the day Stephany told me
" Hey we can talk on whatsaap sometimes if you want to "
" Gladly I'll talk to you when I get home " I tell her and then go home ,damn i forgot to say goodbye to Kylie well i hope she dosent take it bad and I put on music and go home I feel better thanks to Stephany I'm sure we are going to be great friends with time .
I hope you guys liked the chapter so do you think Steph and Tay will be friends ? Bestfriends ? Lete know what you guys think

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