Chapter 16

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Evie POV
"What the Hell, Evelyn?" Tobias says pulling me into a different train cart.

"What?" I spat back.

"Why did you shoot Tris and Christina after we won?" He growls.

"Well, I could ask you why you picked Tris over me. I'm the top of my class right now Tobias."

"Then why did you lose?"

"That's none of your business."

"You were with Eric weren't you?" Tobias growls at Eric's name.

"Well I was on his team." I sass.

"Why do you hang around him?" He starts clenching his fists open and closed.

"Why did you leave me with Marcus?" I practically growl. I walk over to the train door. Waiting for the Dauntless compound to come into view.

He stares at me with mixed emotions. I note the anger the most.

"I don't know how you think I could forgive you." I scoff. "I don't know how I thought I could forgive you."

The compound is in view and the rest of the initiates are jumping including Eric. Eric's eyes dart to my train car.

Once my car is in position, I jump with Tobias right behind me.

Eric stomps my direction and helps me up. He pulls me into a hug.

"You good?" He whispers. I nod my head into his chest. He releases me and marches over to Tobias. "You think you had permission to pull her from the group?"

"Yes, she didn't follow the rules." Tobias retorts.

"Well then I would have handled it. I am a leader, am I not?" Eric feeds it right back to him.

"You are a leader, but she's my sister."

"And that gives you the right to punish her over me?" Eric says sarcastically.

"I've known her longer. I know how to handle her." Tobias growls.

"You knew the old me, Four. You don't know the me I am today." I scream at him. I grab Eric's hand and pull him to the platform. I turn around, "Four, time changes people, Faction before Blood." Then I jump landing in the net. I roll out of the way, so Eric can jump.

It's too dark for me to make out any figures, but I know Eric has landed in the net when the springs squeak under his weight.

"The offers still out there if you want to come to my apartment." He says as he rolls of the net and walks my direction.

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