2- Modern AU: Levi x Barista!Reader

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A/N: This is a modern AU. This one is pretty short, so bear with me.

It was a snowy December day, shops bustling with Christmas shoppers. You worked in a coffee shop as a barista. Most of the time you were on duty because there were so many people working there, but today you spent your time admiring the beautiful downtown scenery. Today just so happened to be a slow day, so you sat in the back, hot chocolate in hand, watching the snow fall gently. It was beautiful.

A man burst in through the door, causing the little bell to tinkle. He was shivering violently.

"Fuck, it's cold," he said, rubbing his arms with his gloved hands. His ebony hair fell in his face as he looked up. He approached the counter, where your coworkers Armin and Eren were waiting for customers.

"Give me the hottest thing you have. I don't care what it is," he said, teeth chattering.

Armin looked at Eren, grinning.

"Wait here, sir," Eren said, nodding at Armin to show that he understood.

The door to the back room swung open, and Eren and Armin entered, grinning.

"Hey guys. Are your shifts over?" You asked, flashing them a small smile.

Eren's arm lashed out grabbing your right wrist. Armin grabbed the other.

"What the hell, Eren?! What is going on?!" Your coworkers dragged, or more of carried you out to the main part of the shop. This part of the shop was much colder. You shivered, as you were wearing your uniform, which was short-sleeved. They stopped in front of the counter, where a man was waiting.

"Here you go, sir. The hottest thing we have," Armin said, shoving you slightly toward the man, causing you to trip.

Before you could hit the ground, he had caught you, his hands around your waist.

"Sorry," you grumbled, looking up at him. He was short, but you were shorter. His grey eyes met yours, and you could see them wrinkle a little as he gave you a weak smile.

"It's alright," he said, helping you regain your balance.

And suddenly, you weren't cold anymore. A red-hotness spread through your face. You could hear Armin and Eren giggling quietly behind your back.

You jumped in surprise as the man took your hand in his. You looked up at him, making eye contact once again. You could tell that your face was bright red. He was pale, but there was a light dusting of pink on his cheeks too. You gave him a genuine smile, teeth and all. He smiled back, and it was a goofy smile. You could tell that he wasn't the smiling type, but he was trying his best.

And then he did the unexpected. He pulled you in for a kiss, his lips meeting yours gently. You giggled into his lips, and he smiled into the kiss. This was your first real kiss, with a real guy. It was nice.

He pulled away, brushing your (H/C) hair out of your face so he could admire it. You saw Eren and Armin out of the corner of your eye, mouths agape. You turned back to the man.

"I'm Levi. Levi Ackerman. And you?"


"Well (Y/N), would you care to join me for lunch?" He held out his arm for you. You happily accepted.

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