11- England x Male!Book Character!Reader

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(A/N: I'm trying something new- I've never really written a fic from the characters' point of view, so this should be interesting. Hopefully England isn't that out of character. (H) means height. Also, sorry about how long it took me to post this. I hope you enjoy.


--England's P.O.V--

I sat in my living room, book in one hand, and tea cup in another. I was reading one of my favorite books, in fact, I loved it so much that I had read it multiple times. I didn't just love the plot, I loved the characters. Specifically the main character. His name was (F/N) (L/N). As the author described him, he was a (H), (H/C) haired male with striking (E/C) eyes. At the beginning of the book, he was a shy, reserved man, but as it progressed, he became more and more open, yet still kept his reservedness. I thought that the way he was written was completely brilliant.

I paused my reading for a few seconds to take a sip of my tea before continuing on. I was never really one for adventure books, but this book definitley was the exception. I flipped the page, completely emersed in the book. After a few more minutes (or hours), I decided to take a break. It was getting to be lunch time soon, and I had promised America that I would go out to lunch with him and his brother Canada (was that his name?). I set the book down on the coffee table, and stood up, stretching. I yawned before heading off to the kitchen with my empty tea cup.

Before I could reach the kitchen, there was a loud banging coming from the dining room. I jumped, almost dropping my tea cup, but then sighed. It wouldn't be the first time that America had tried to get in through the dining room window. Shaking my head, I went to go scold him.

"America, bloody hell, stop trying to--" I stopped abruptly in the doorframe, almost dropping my tea cup once again.

The person in my dining room was most definitely not America.

A (H/C) haired man lay sprawled on his back on the floor of my dining room. Glancing up at the window, I saw that it was indeed still closed, and locked for that matter. If he hadn't broken in, then how had he got here?

I slowly approached him, setting the tea cup that was still in my hands down on the dining table. I couldn't tell if he was alive or not, but after a few seconds of staring at him, I could see that his chest was still rising and falling. I let out a relieved sigh. I most definitely did not want a dead body in my dining room. I got a bit closer, kneeling down next to him.

Staring down into his face, I realized how... attractive... he was. I couldn't help but feel like I had seen this man before, but I knew I certainly hadn't. A bit of (H/C) hair hung in front of his eyes, and out of instinct I reached down to push it away. As soon as my fingers brushed his face, his eyes flew open, instantly meeting mine.

They were a striking (E/C) color, like nothing I had ever seen before. I found myself staring into his eyes, and he stared back. There were no words to describe how... beautiful... they were.

After a few more seconds (that seemed more like hours to me) of awkward eye contact, he broke it, pushing himself up onto his elbows. He glanced around my dining room, obviously confused to as where he was.

"W-who are you? W-where am I?" he asked, meeting my eyes again. Oh god, his voice was like butter, and it didn't help that he was extremely attractive.

"I'm En-- Err... Arthur. Arthur Kirkland," I said, quickly saving myself from revealing that I was a country to a complete stranger. "And, uh, you're in my dining room."

The man rubbed the back of his head as if he had a headache, and then took another look around before speaking again. "H-how... H-how did I get here?" He asked, staring up at me once again, face contorted with confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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