5- Prussia x Reader

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(A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've been quite busy. Also, sorry this one shot sucks. I had a good initial thought for it, but then it sorta went downhill... Anyways, enjoy.)

You had gone out training with the Axis. Right now, you were working on a running exercise. Like Italy, you were lagging behind. Running wasn't your thing. You ran along side Italy, encouraging him to keep going. You panted, ignoring the cramp in your side. Germany was far ahead, and Japan was a little ways behind him.

You heard Germany yell. "ITALY! (Y/N)! PICK UP THE PACE!" You sighed, trying your best to go faster, but you just couldn't. The pain in your side was too great. "You can do it, Italy," you said, glancing over at the sweating Italian. He gave you a small smile and then continued his cry-panting. His curl bounced as he jogged.

When you finally reached the house, it was already dark. You had run five miles, and your body was not happy about it. Japan was sweating, but calm. He never complained about anything. You gave him a small smile, wiping the sweat from your brow.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," you said, heading inside. You grabbed clothes and were about to go into the bathroom when you saw Italy. "Are you gonna make pasta?" You asked, already knowing the answer.

"Ve~! Of course, bella!" He said, giving you a wide smile. Even though he had just run five miles, he was still enthusiastic.

"When I get out of the shower, I'll help," you replied. You loved helping Italy cook, especially pasta.

"Ve, si,grazie bella!"


You helped Italy set the table with the finished meal. Germany entered, grabbing a seat. Japan came a few minutes later. You began eating, enjoying the food peacefully.

Then someone burst through the door, interrupting the meal. Prussia.

"Hey brohas!" He yelled, leaning on Germany's shoulders. "What's up, Vest?" Germany scowled at Prussia, and continued eating.

"Oh, hello Prussia! We were just eating dinner~!" Italy greeted. "Would you like to join us?"

"No thanks, freund." The Prussian glanced at you, your (E/C) eyes meeting his ruby ones. He narrowed them, forcing you to break eye contact.

"Vest, who's the frau?"

"A friend," Germany replied.

"A country?"

"Nein, not that I know of."

Prussia glanced back over at you, then grabbed a chair. He pulled it up next to you, sitting down with his elbows on the table. He watched you closely, surveying you. You continued eating, trying to ignore him. No matter what you did, he kept his ruby orbs glued on you, his chin sitting in his hands.

"So, frau," He finally said. "Vhat is your name?"

"(Y/N)," you replied, setting your fork down. You turned to him, making eye contact once again. He looked you up and down, his eyes lingering on your chest for a few seconds too long.

"I am Prussia," he replied. "But you can call me Gilbert, liebeling." He winked at you.

"Bruder. Vhat do you vant?" Germany said, annoyance filling his voice.

"I vas just going to ask you if you vanted to come to my party. It's tomorrow and it is going to be awesome." He put extra emphasis on the 'awesome'.

"I guess," Germany replied, finishing off his dinner.

"There vill be beer."

"Vhat time?"

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