Author's Secrets: Chapter 1 (Calum is Hit by a Bus)

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Calum Hood

"Mum, I'm fine! I've got everything I need." I finally burst.
          "Calum!" My mum scolded.
          "I'm sorry, Mum," I looked down. "I promise I've got everything, though. I'm ready for school." No, I'm not.
          "Do you want some money for lunch?" My dad asked.
          "No, it's okay," I answered. "I have my pocket money."
          "If you get lost, ask one of the big kids where to go."
          "All right, Mum."
          "Do you have my number in your pocket? I don't want you to lose it."
          "I do. I won't lose it."
          "Are you ready, Son?"
          "I think so, Dad."
          "Aw, it's my son's big day! He's finally growing up!" My mum cooed.
          So, here's the deal. I lived in Australia for a good something years of my life. I used to go to primary school, but I would always be bullied. My parents decided that I should be home-schooled for the rest of my life, that was until they decided to move to America because my dad got a new job there. I wanted to see what it was like to go to a real school and make friends, so it all worked out for the better. My dad doesn't think that I'll ever make any friends since all teenagers think that home-schooled kids are freaks, xylocarp (like a coconut) or weirdly religious. But, to be honest, my family is pretty normal. So, now it's goodbye home-school and hello real school.


As I stepped away from my parents to cross the road, a yellow school bus was in the near distance. Thinking nothing of it and stepping onto the road, I was immediately hit by the bus. As any normal person would think, I thought that I was dead and I thought that I was in Heaven, watching over the screaming students on the bus, the bus driver pacing in front of me, my parents holding onto me, the teachers asking what all of the commotion was about. Realistically, I was knocked out, but I could hear all of the commotion going on. And let me tell you now, being hit by a bus freaking hurt. I only wished that I could see the masses amount of blood and bones sticking out of my body; would've made a great film.
          Many tears, stitches, meds, one surgery and one shower later, I was laying comfortably on a bed. And somehow, I was alive; breathing and living. Of course, I couldn't walk because my spine was jolted and that broke my walking abilities. And my left arm was in a cast, but that was alright because I didn't write with my left hand. And of course, my ribs were poking my organs and trying to burst them, but it was all good, you know?
          As for my vocals, I had every right to swear and cry at the pain I was in, which wasn't much because I was on so many drugs it could've been illegal. Deep down, however, I wanted to scream because did you know what wasn't there? A doctor. I needed a doctor with me at all times. I mean, what if I just suddenly had a heart attack? What if I suddenly died? What if I suddenly became pregnant and had twin babies? I mean, that last one probably wouldn't happen, but still. I was in full pain, on so many different types of drugs, and I was stuck on a bed, where I couldn't move. Could you say 'final destination'? Let's hope that there were no hot-tubs on the floor above me; wouldn't want to be crushed to death.
          However, I suppose that my parents were in the room with me, holding my hands and staring at the monitor, the needles and my face, overall, just waiting for me to wake up and talk to them. And as fun as it would be to sleep and miss out on my first day of school, I really needed to wake up, put on my school uniform, rip the hospital equipment away from my body and somehow steal a wheelchair so that I could wheel my way into school. But a certain family of mine had other ideas.


"Mum, I've been out of school for a month. My spine is healing and I have crutches. I have scars, sure, but the needles and the blood has gone. I can eat on my own, now. I can move my head and my arms, since the casts have been taken off. Like, come on, I'm fine."
          "Calum, you are not 'fine'," My mum sighed, shaking her head. "You can't even walk with crutches. Spine's don't heal within a month. Arms don't heal within a month. You're still wincing every time you bump your arm or your ribs. Calum, you can't even sleep properly."
          "I know, but a month off of school is like a year. Plus, I've only just joined the school. I'm sure that the students are lovely and will help me."
          "It doesn't work like that, Calum. People won't help you because you have a disability," My dad muttered as he walked past. "The world is cruel and people don't work like that."
          "Well, maybe I can change the world." I pouted.
          "Doubt it," My dad chuckled, ruffling my hair. "You just gotta live safe."
          "Can I go to school, please? Tomorrow?"
          "No," My mum answered quickly. "You're not well enough. You sleep most of the time."
          "I'm actually playing Mario Cart on my DS, you just think that I'm sleeping."
          "Are you really?" My dad asked.
          "No, I'm having midnight and midday snacks."
          "I think Calum is alright to go to school. We'll just ring the school and register him for tomorrow."
          "You think so?" I asked, grinning.
          "Of course. We'll just have to be with you during the morning, take you to your first class. Hopefully, they'll be a student or teacher to help you throughout the day."

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