Author's Secrets: Chapter 11 (An Argument about Calum and Luke Dating)

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Calum Hood

Everything was pretty normal once everyone had gone back to school the next day. Luke had threatened us that if we ever told anyone about his past or what had happened the night before, then he would ruin our lives. However, Luke was so distraught that Ashton hurt him and that I sided against him, that I had been broken up with. However, Michael and Ashton seemed to be best friends again. Michael had apologised to Ashton this morning. I'd say the only thing that wasn't normal was the fact that I felt more confident in myself because of what I did for the other members of the Plastics the other day. However, Autumn and Ashton were content that Luke was hiding something.
          So, today, I was standing in front of the counter to the beauty and skin care shop where Autumn worked. She was just finishing up one order. Ashton was talking to me about what skin care product he was thinking about using to make his hands softer. Autumn came up to us just as Ashton left.
          "What can I do for you, young Calum?"
          "I have information about the Plastics."
          "Oh, you mean the group that I'm in?" Autumn asked, rolling her eyes at me. "Okay, what did you find?"
          "They have this book-"
          "Wow, they can read?" Autumn snorted. "Cal-Pal, I told you to get information on them, but I didn't mean that kind of information. Tell me something good. Is my brother hiding any dirty secrets?"
          "As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, they have this book called the 'Burn Book'. They put peoples photos in it and write bad comments about them."
          "No way!" Autumn screeched. "Am I in it?"
          "Those bitches!"
          "Come on, Aut, Luke is your brother, so why would he spread shit about you?"
          "I don't know," She shrugged, looking down. "Sometimes, he hates me."
          "Will this make my hands smooth?" Ashton asked, rubbing some weird white cream on his palms.
          "No," Autumn muttered an answer, making Ashton walk away. "You have to tell someone about this book."
          "What? No!"
          "Why not? You could post it and then everyone would see how much of an ax-wound Luke Hemmings really is!"
          "You mean, your brother?"
          "Calum, I told you what Luke has done. He's my step-brother, so we're not even related by blood. He's such a fucking douche most of the time, you don't even know, Calum. He's acting fake because of you."
          "I think he's kind of...sweet," I shrugged. "He may cause ax-wounds to exist, but he's not one."
          "Sweet?" Ashton yelled a question, running to me. "Luke Hemmings is not sweet. He ruined my life!"
          "Look, it was gonna come out that you don't eat. Besides, Luke did the right thing by mentioning it."
          "He's a douche to me."
          "Maybe that's because you're geeky. I bet if you were hot and dumb, people would be all over you." Autumn giggled, ruffling Ashton's blonde hair.

          "I'd rather have a degree than fuck bitches." Ashton muttered, stepping away from his friend.
          "Anyway, why do you like Luke so much? Do you actually fancy him?" Autumn asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
          I blushed, hiding my face using my hands.
          "No, I just-"
          "Calum's got a crush on Luke Hemmings," Autumn teased, ruffling my hair and grinning. "The two hottest boys in school dating. That would be such a good news story. You'd learn so many secrets, Cal."
          "I already dated him, then he dumped me because Ashton punched his motherfucking face and I agreed with Ashton."
          "Well, that's your fault for agreeing with me." Ashton shrugged.
          "Too be honest, I thought you were joking about dating." Autumn admitted.
          "Guys," I whined. "I really like him and he just left me standing on the edge."
          "You should fuck him." Autumn dead-panned.
          "Autumn!" Ashton called in shock. "You can't say things like that."
          "Just think about it, though, if Calum and Luke are actually dating, think of all of the great things that Calum would find out. I mean, this would explain why Luke is the way he is."
          "I think spying on him is wrong." I admitted.
          "You need to do this."
          "I can't. It's wrong. Autumn, I'm not using him."
          "I'm pretty sure he's using you."
          "Look, I really like him and I'm gonna be so heartbroken if he doesn't like me back."
          "Ash, that is for your feet!" Autumn screeched, taking the peppermint foot cream away from Ashton. "One month. Just one more month?"
          "What's in it for me?"
          "You don't have to publish the Burn Book."

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