everything about you

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I watched my boyfriend Shawn play the guitar for his last concert of the tour. Sure I was sad and I didn't want to go home, but I was excited for Shawn and I to have alone time without an occasional yelling from Andrew or Geoff saying that someone wants to interview. I couldn't help but look at every feature about him. His rings his jawline his soft white skin covering his whole body. His little curl in his head of hair I love playing with. His amazing smile that everyone falls for. His lazy eye, his neck vein that pops out when he's belting out lyrics. Everything about him is simple perfect.

"I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, Geoff, Stephen, Andrew, and the rest of my crew. Also my friends and family without them I wouldn't have the love and support they give me. And of course! You guys thank you all so much. I love each and single one of you and you all give me so much hope and passion to do what I love" Shawn strummed a little while giving his little speech.

It kinda hurt he didn't mention me but I know he probably just forgot.

"Alright this next song is for my beautiful girlfriend y/n, she means the world to me and I hope we stay together forever. This is one of her favorite songs off the new album so I hope you enjoy. She's my biggest supporter and motivator to do what I love in life and I know in my heart if I wasn't with her I don't think I'd be standing here, so here we go" he continued and my mouth slightly dropped as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He started to sing Like This I couldn't stop crying. I bent down and started to cover my face hiding the tears. I felt hands on my shoulder as I was guided out towards the stage.

"But I guess I was going down" he sang turning towards me.

I looked behind me to see Geoff and Brian's giant smirks form on their faces. The crowd started to scream as loud as they could giving me cheers and happiness. I cocked my eyebrow wiping away my tears as Shawn grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it. I watched him bent down and I stepped back covering my mouth as he pulled out a ring. The crowd was even louder now.

"Y/n, I love you so much and I wanna make music with you until the day I die, for eternity I love you so much baby girl" he said holding my hand while sliding the beautiful diamond ring on my finger. "Will you marry me?"

The crowd was shouting back things like "say yes!" "I've been waiting forever!" And "finally!"

I giggled and pulled him up so that I could hug him and kiss him.

"Yes I would love to marry you!" I said holding his cheeks while leaning my forehead on his.

He chuckled and walked over to the microphone.

"She said yes!" He shouted into the mic throwing his fist up in the air.

The crowd cheered louder than ever I was almost knocked over. I chuckled as he threw me around in a circle with his lips crashed against mine.

"I love everything about you" he whispered with his million dollar smile.

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