caged part 2

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"P-Protect me? What do you mean?" I stuttered looking up at him.

"I promise that nothing will happen or harm you Y/N" he nodded.

I smiled a little as he looked at me with happiness in his eyes. He must really care about people, he's amazing. 

"Here I'll have my chef serve you up something to eat you're probably starving" He said waving to the man with a mustache in the kitchen. "And I'll show you your room"

He guided me up the long stair case as I looked around the empty house. He must get so lonely, maybe that's why he took me in.

"Where's your family? Or your wife?" I asked quietly.

"I don't have anymore family, or a wife" he sighed faking a smile.

"Oh I'm sorry to pry" I said lowering my head afraid he might hurt me.

"No no, it's quite alright" he said waving his hand as we entered a large bedroom with a queen sized bed and beautiful dark wood furniture.

I smiled and walked over to the bed laying down on top of it as I sunk into it. I sighed in relief staring up at the big crystal chandelier. 

"Do you like it?" Mr. Mendes asked leaning against the side of the door.

"I love it, thank you Mr. Mend- I mean, Shawn" I bowed my head as he smiled lightly at me.

"Dinner will be ready in a couple minutes, there's clothing in the closet if you'd like to change" he nodded to the closet as I thanked him again as he left me alone.

I walked over to the closet slowly as it creaked open revealing a walk in closet with a plentiful of shoes, clothes, handbags, and so much more. I gasped and felt the fabrics underneath my hands as I smiled like a child. I chose a simple flower dress sliding it over my head as my old dirty clothes hit the floor. I sighed in relief from the feeling of coolness and cleanliness. I walked down the stairs and saw Shawn sitting at the table as food scattered it. I smiled and blushed as I made my way to the end of the other side. 

"You look lovely Y/N" he said lifting his wine glass to me.

I thanked him and waited for him to give me permission to eat. He looked at me confused tilting his head as he chewed the salad lightly.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I was waiting for you to say I could e-eat" I said nervously.

"Oh, Y/N you don't have to wait alright? You eat whenever, whatever, and wherever you want" he said reassuringly. 


After a long and awkward dinner I finally got to go to bed. Shawn walked me up to my room and I thanked him kindly by my door. He opened it for me and we said our goodnights. But neither of us could move. 

"You're happy to stay here as long as you want. I promise it'll be better for you in every possible way" he said sighing holding my shoulder.

I looked up at him, tears in my eyes as I let out a little gasp. I engulfed him in a hug as he huffed looking down at me confused. 

"Thank you Shawn"

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now