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I'll be stopping this book at chapter 50... but if you want another imagine books please let me know thank you all for reading and enjoying my stories I truly am grateful for everyone who supports and loves my books. Alright enjoy this halloween imagine!!


I hated it, all of it. The black and orange theme, the scaring, the trick or treating. It was all created by the candy companies. 

I sighed and shook my head as the teacher continued to talk about the haunted house down the street and what truly happened there. Apparently a couple of kids walked in and were killed in all mysterious ways. Sounded like a hoax to me. 

The teacher scared a student and everyone laughed along. The bell rang and I rolled my eyes as I got out of my seat and found my boyfriend Shawn standing next to his friends.

"So what are you gonna be for Halloween Shawn?" Matt asked.

"Ah I don't know, it's up to Y/N I suppose" he replied shrugging and nodding to me.

"Uh no, I'm not dressing up or going anywhere tonight alright?" I scoffed putting my arms over my chest.

"Oh come on L/N, we're all going to the haunted house on Baker Street!" Ian interrupted wrapping his arm around me.

"No thanks" I replied as Shawn chuckled scratching the back of his head.

"What are you scared?"

"No I just don't like Halloween" I huffed sticking my nose in the air.

"We'll think about it, see you guys later" Shawn said taking my hand as we walked away from the boys.

"Do you really not want to do anything tonight Y/N? I mean it's okay if you don't-" Shawn started.

"No Shawn it's okay, you can go have fun I'll be fine I promise!"

"Baby, come on don't be a party pooper. Look I got you a dumb costume" he replied as we entered my empty house he dropped his backpack to the ground.

He pulled out a skin tight grey costume and pair of mouse ears. 

"I hate you" I chuckled.

"Okay okay, you don't have to wear it" he chuckled back stuffing it back into his backpack.

"I'll wear the ears but that's it" I scoffed tugging them and putting them on.

"Ah you're so cute!" he said pecking my cheek making me blush.

He put on a pair of cat ears and nodded proudly. 

"See, cutest couple on the block" he said wrapping his arm around my waist pecking my lips.

I smiled up and him and winked.


It was getting late and shivers up my spine as the gang walked towards the dark house on the hill. I was feeling so ill I just wanted to go home immediately. Shawn held me closely as Ian opened the door, it creaked open loudly making me shiver and jump back a little.

"Let's go" Ian winked at me.

I glared back at him as we all walked in observing the dark old and broken down house. I sighed and rolled my eyes seeing the spider webs and Matt trying to make ghost noises. I heard something on the other side of a small door in the living room and I felt the need to go towards it. I walked slowly over to it cracking it open and a rat flew out the door making me scream at the top of my lungs.

"Y/N!" Shawn shouted running over and grabbing my hand.

"Get away from me!" I shouted swatting at the strange grip on my wrist hitting Shawn right in the stomach as he hunched over coughing.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry" I said holding him as Matt and Ian broke out in fits of laughter.

"It's okay babe, what was it?" Shawn chuckled and shook his head.

"It was nothing, just a mouse" I sighed in relief.

He nodded and soon the mood was lightning up a bit. We discovered the house for a little longer and I was actually having a lot of fun. Everyone would hide around corners scaring each other and soon it was time to head home.

I hopped on Shawn's back as we headed back towards Ian's for more fun as he recalled.

"Did you have fun?" Shawn said dropping me to the ground as he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers.

"Yeah, I think I did, but only because I was with you" I smiled as he leaned down kissing my cold lips.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now