Chapter 4

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I close my eyes and I fall asleep

"Wake up we are here" I hear Nat says

I open my eyes and we just landing. I grab my purse and then we are aloud off. I grab my duffel bag and we get off the plane. Nat and I go and get a rental car. We both put our licences on it so we both can drive. I text Cam

To Cammy: We just landed in Houston and we got our rental car. What hotel are you guys in??

Cam texts me back right away

From Cammy: We got moved hotels and we are in Orion room 2134 I will tell the guards to tell let you. You might have to get a room across the street at the small motel

Nat gets the keys and we grab our stuff and we go to the car. Nat drives and I get into the passenger seat. I put my bag in the back of the car.

"Which hotel are we going to" Nat asks

"Cam is at the Orion but he said to grab a room across the street" I say

"Ok" Nat says

"Ugh I haven't spend a day away from Cam since we met and I can't wait. We always hang out everyday" I say

"I know. I remember when you got sick and Cam was over everyday" Nat says

"Yes I remember that" I say smiling

We get to the Orion and there is girls all over the place. We go to the more across the street and we get a room. We go into the room and we put our stuff on the beds. I sit on one bed and I text Cam

To Cammy: Hey we got to the motel across the street.

Cam calls me

"Hey" I say

"Hey. We are going to grab some food and then we are coming back to the hotel. We can grab you on the way. We could meet at the restaurant or we could meet after we eat. The girls will be gone when we go to eat. So you can go over the hotel and we tell the guard to let you guys in. We are just going to grab Subway so we won't be that long" Cam says

"Ok Nat and I will go to the hotel after you guys leave and wait" I say

"Ok do you want us to grab you guys anything" Cam asks

"No we eat already. Can you grab me a bag of all dressed chips and an apple juice" I say

"Yea sure" Cam says

"Thanks" I say

"Ok. We are leaving now. The girls will leave and follow us. So after they leave just go to the hotel" Cam says

"Ok" I say

"I will see you guys later" Cam says

I hang up.

"Cam said they are going to Subway and we can go over to their hotel after they leave" I say

"Ok" Nat says

He turns on the TV and lays on his bed. We watch TV for a little bit. Then Cam texts me

From Cammy: We left the hotel just now. Wait about 10 minutes and go over. I told the guards to let you in.

I text him back

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