Chapter 31

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I finish packing and I go back downstairs.

"Ok let's go" Cam says

I hug John and Grace.

"I will FaceTime you guys. Love you both and be good for Aunty Sierra" I say to them.

I grab my suitcase and we go outside to Cam's car. I put my suitcase in the trunk and he puts his suitcase in the trunk. He gets into the driver seat and I get into the passenger seat. Cam pulls out of the driveway and we hold hands.

"Thank you" I say smiling

"Your welcome" Cam says

"I found a place where I want the preschool and the building process is starting tomorrow so I will be on and off the phone with the contractors and face timing my friend about how we want it to look" I say to Cam

"Ok" Cam says

We pull up to a cemetery

"What are we doing here" I ask Cam

"Well tomorrow is Nat's birthday so we are stopped here. Our plane leaves in an hour so make it quick. I am going to stay in the car" Cam says

I kiss his cheek

"Thank you babe" I say to Cam

We pull up to where Nat's stone is. Cam parks the car and I get out. I go and sit on the ground by his stone and I cry

"Hey Nat" I say crying harder

"The kids are doing good. I met John and Jackson. Jackson is a great kid. I will look out for him for you. I miss you so much. It's been two years. Cam and I are going back on Magcon. So we stopped to say happy birthday. I have to go and check a flight but I will come and visit more when I get back. I love you" I say

I blow a kiss and I wipe my tears and stand up. I get into the car. Cam puts his hand on my thigh and he pulls away from the stone. We leave the cemetery and go to the airport. We get to the airport and Cam parks the car. We get out and grab our suitcases. He lock the car and we go inside the airport and there is screaming fans everywhere. We get our tickets and go past security and the screaming is a lot quieter. We find our gate and we sit down.

"Thank you for bringing me to see Nat. It meant a lot to me" I say to Cam

"Your welcome" Cam says

We kiss and our flight gets called. We stand up and show the lady our boarding passes and we get on the plane. We get a seat in first class and we sit down. We buckle our seatbelt's and hold hands. We talk and talk and then the plane takes off.

"How long is the flight" I ask Cam

"2 hours" Cam says

"Ok" I say

We talk the whole two hours. I love just being alone with him and talking about anything and everything. The plane lands we grab our carry ons and get off the plane. We get our bags and a guys is holding a sign "Mr. And Mrs. Dallas". We go up to him and me nods we follow him to an suv limo and he takes our bags and we go inside the car. The driver gets in and drives away from the airport.

"Everyone is coming tonight so I thought we could order room service at the hotel and wait for everyone else" Cam says

"Your the best" I say smiling

"I know" Cam says smiling

We get to the hotel. The driver opens the door for us and there is screaming fans. He hands us our suitcases and we go inside. We go to the front desk and they hand us two keys. We take the keys and we go into the elevator. We go up to our floor. We get out of the elevator and we go to our room. Cam opens the door. We go inside. We put our suitcase on the ground and we throw ourselves on the bed.

"I am so tired" I say to Cam

"Same. Let me order room service" Cam says

He sits up and he grabs the room phone and he orders room service. He hangs up the phone and I grab my phone and get the wifi. I call Sierra on FaceTime.

Sierra's face pops on the screen
Sierra- Hey girl
Me- Hey. How is my children
Sierra- There are good. There are actually in bed
Me- Awe I just missed them
Sierra- Yea sorry. I will call you tomorrow morning
Me- Ok.

I hang up the phone. I lock the phone and put it in my pocket.

"So tonight the guys get in about 2 hours" Cam says

"Awesome" I say smiling

*Skip two years*

We finished Magcon awhile ago. Cam and I are still together. John is five years old and he started kindergarten in September. Grace is 10 and in grade 6. I have opened my preschool and it's doing amazing. Cam is making more movies. Everything is fine with us. We see all the guys all time.


That is the end of the "Friends". I am running out of ideas and want to start a new book. I don't have any idea for a new book but I will think of one and I will update you guys on the name of the book and when to find it.

Love you all

-Dakota :*

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