Chapter 23

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"So Grace are you excited to finally leave here" I ask her

"Yea" she say smiling

A while later. Cam comes back into the room.

"Ok Let's go" Cam says picking up Grace

I pick up John's holder and we leave the hospital

"Bye Amy" Doctor Craig says

"Bye" I say

"Come in next week for a check up for you and John" She says

"I will" I say

We get into the elevator and Cam presses the button. We get to the lobby and we get out of the elevator and we go to Cam's car. It's nice being outside and actually leaving this time. We get to Cam's car. Cam puts Grace in her car seat. I get John buckled up in the middle and I sit beside John. I buckle my self up. Cam gets into the driver seat and he buckles his seat.

"Let's go" Cam says smiling

I look over and little John is sleeping.

"Yea" I say smiling

Cam starts the car and leaves the parking lot. We get to Cam's apartment. Cam parks the car and he grabs the duffle bags and I unbuckle John and Grace. I take John out of the car. Grace gets out, I hold Graces hand and carry John. We go inside. We get into the elevator and Grace pushes the button.

"I am so happy going home as a family" Cam says smiling

"Almost a family" I say to Cam

"Yes four months" Cam say smiling

We get to his floor and we all get out. Cam unlocks the door and we go inside. Grace let's go of my hand and goes to her toys. Cam puts out bags on the floor and we sit on the couch. I put John's holder on the couch in front of us and I love him in the holder.

"I was thinking for the wedding, because I am not inviting my parents anymore. They have been to the hospital to visit at all and I don't really have a great relationship with them. That I ask Jackson to give me away. It will like Nat is giving me away"I say to Cam

"I think that sounds perfect" Cam says

We kiss and pull apart and cuddle on the couch

"Four more months and I will be Mrs. Amy Dallas" I say to Cam

"I like the sound of that" Cam says smiling

"Me too" I say smiling

"So the boys are coming to come two weeks before the wedding to visit and they are going to stay here and then after the wedding they are going to leave the next day" Cam says

"Ok. Are we going have an apartment together" I ask Cam

"Yea we will. We can look for one now and then we can move in after the wedding" Cam says

"Ok" I say smiling

*three months later*

Cam and I are getting married next month. We have everything from the first dance to the cake to the entertainment and everyone has replied back saying that they are going to come. I have asked June to be one of my bridesmaids and Cam has asked Matt. I told my parents they aren't invited anymore and they went insane on me. I told Jackson I wanted him to walk me down the aisle and he is so excited. The guys are all coming down in 2 weeks for the wedding and I am excited to see everyone. John is healthy and so cute. He barely cries. Grace loves her baby brother. Grace, John and I moved back to my apartment in Chino and Cam visits all the time. Right now I am sitting in the living room with John, Grace is playing with her toys and Cam is in LA. Sierra and Gina come into my apartment

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