Chapter 18

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*Cam's POV*

I lay in bed with Amy and she lays her head on my chest

"I love you" Amy says

"I love you too" I say

"Why don't you move into my apartment and visit your mom and sister every once in awhile like don't move all your stuff in" Amy says

"I think that would be a good idea" I say to Amy

"Tomorrow I am driving Nash to the airport. Can you please watch Grace for me" Amy asks me

"For sure" I say smiling

We talk a bit longer and then I hear snores from Amy. I go to sleep

*the next morning*

I wake up and Amy is gone. I go to the living room and nobody is there. They
must have gone to the airport. I go into the kitchen and I grab a glass of water and I sit on the couch. Grace comes into the living room.

"Where is mommy" Grace says

"She went to drive uncle Nash to the airport" I say

"Ok" Grace says

"Let's go over to my house and grab my clothes" I say

"Ok" Grace says

We go over to my apartment and we grab all my clothes in boxes and being all the boxes to Amy's apartment and Grace helps me some of my clothes away. We finish and go sit on the couch and watch cartoons. A couple hours later Amy comes into the apartment

"Mommy" Grace says

She runs up to Amy and hugs her

"Hey baby" Amy says smiling

Amy pick Grace up and comes to the couch. Amy sits down and puts Grace on her lap.

"Can I tell her" I ask Amy

"Tell her wha... Oh yea you can" Amy says

"Grace. I am going to move in here with you and your mom until the summer" I say smiling

"Yay" Grace says smiling

*Amy's POV*

"Yay" Grace says smiling

I love that Grace likes Cam. We watch TV for a bit. There is a knock on the door and I open the door. It's all the guys and Mahogany.

"What are you guys doing here" I say smiling

"We came to visit" Aaron says

"Come in" I say

They all come inside.

"Uncle Matt" Grace says

She runs and hugs Matt. 

They all sit on the couch and the ground. Cam is smiling

"Did you know about this Cameron" I ask him

He nods. I am sitting beside him in the couch and we kiss.

"Ewww. Get a room" Nash says

We pull apart and laugh.

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