Chapter 30

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*Anys POV*

Today is my college graduation. I am so nervous and excited. We are all going to meet at the class and walk together. Right now I am getting John and Grace into the car. Cam sits in the drivers seat and I sit in the passenger seat. Today I wore a sparkly pink dress and my cap and gown over top.

"Are you excited" Cam says

"I am very excited" I say smiling

"Mommy is graduation" Grace says

"Yup baby. Mommy is" I say smiling

We get to the school. Cam parks the car. I get out of the car and go to the class.

*Skip the ceremonies*

I am finally a college graduate. It feels amazing to be graduated college and be able to do something. I have decided I want to open my own daycare, I have money saved up from Magcon so I will use that money. Cam gets the kids in the car. I get into the passenger seat. Cam gets into the drivers seat.

"So miss college graduate what are you going to do" Cam asks me

"I am going to open my own preschool" I say to Cam

"That's good" Cam says

"Yea I have had plans for a couple years now and I am going to build it from ground up while other people are going to build it for me. I am just the one with the plans" I say to Cam

"Babe I am so proud of you" Cam says

"Thanks" I say smiling

"I have something to tell you though" Cam says

"Ohhh" I say

"I have been talking with Aaron and Taylor and a few other guys and we are going to do Magcon again" Cam says

"That's awesome" I say confused

"We start in September and it will be two months long. Mahogany is going to come on some dates" Cam says

"Great" I say

"What's the matter" Cam asks me

"I am mad that you didn't ask me if I wanted to join the tour" I say to Cam

"You were busy with school and now your going to be busy with the preschool. Babe I didn't want to stomp all over your plans" Cam says

"I could still go to Magcon" I say to Cam mad

"I am sorry" Cam says

"Whatever" I say to him

"Amy I am really sorry I thought because of school and all you didn't want to go at all" Cam says

"Mahogany is busy with her career and you asked her" I say to Cam

"I am sorry" Cam says

We get home. I grab my purse and I go inside. I go up to my room and I take off my cap and gown and my dress and I put sweatpants on and a baggy T-shirt. Cam comes into our room

"Amy I am really sorry" Cam says

"Whatever Cam. The girls and I in my class are going to go on a road trip for a week or so. I didn't tell you sorry" I say

I start packing up my stuff

"When are you leaving" Cam asks me

"Tonight" I say to Cam

"Ohh" Cam says

"I was too busy with school. I am sorry" I say

I go into the bathroom and I pack my bathroom stuff. I put it into my suitcase. I finish putting all my clothes in my suitcase. I zip up my suitcase and I pick it up. I put it on the ground. I put my phone charger and my wallet and sunglasses in my purse. I grab my suitcase and my purse

"Ok bye" I say

"Bye" Cam says

I go downstairs. I put my suitcase and my purse on the ground.

"Ok mommy is leaving for awhile have fun" I say

They come up and hug me. They pull apart. I pick up my suitcase.

"FaceTime me later" I say

I leave the house. I get into my car. I start the car and I leave the driveway.

*Cam's POV*

Amy just left for her road trip with her friends from schooling. I go into the living room with the kids

"Where did mommy go" John asks me

"She went on a trip with some friends" I say to him

"Ohh" he says

He leaves and goes and plays with his toys. I text Amy

To Amy: Hey I am sorry about everything. I really do love you. See you in a week.

I go and text Bart

To Bart: Hey Bart. I was talking to Amy and she is pretty chapped that I didn't invite her on this Magcon trip. Can we invite her??

I lock my phone and put it in my pocket   I go and make dinner. 

*skip the night*

I just put John to bed. Grace puts her self to bed. I lay in bed. I check my phone

From Bart: Of course you can invite her. Tell her I say congrats on the graduation and see you guys in a couple days.

I unlock my phone and I text him back

To Bart: Thank you. See you soon

I lock my phone.

*Skip a week*

Amy and I worked things out and she is coming home today from her vacation. The kids finished school a couple days ago. We all made Amy a welcome home sign.

"Mommy is coming home" John says smiling

Amy walks in the door and John runs up and hugs her. Grace and I walk up to her and we hug her too.

"Welcome home" Grace says

"I missed you guys" Amy say smiling

"We missed you too" John says

"Amy I have a surprise for you" I say to Amy

*Amy's POV*

"Amy I have a surprise for you" Cam says to me

"What is it" I ask

"Sierra" Cam says

Sierra comes out from the bedroom.

"I am here to watch your children for a couple weeks" Sierra says

"Why" I ask

"I have invited you to Magcon. Bart has agreed we leave tonight"Cam says

I hug him

"Omg thank you" I say smiling

"Your welcome babe" Cam says smiling

I let go from our hug.

"You have to pack we leave in 2 hours" Cam says

I run upstairs and I pack

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