Chapter 26

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"Let's go to bed. I am tired and starting tomorrow. I don't think we will be going to bed at the same times" Cam says

We shut off the lights and lock the door. We go up to our room and we change and shut off the light and lay in bed. John starts crying.

"I got this one" Cam says

He gets out of bed and goes o John's room. I plug my phone in the charger and I lay in bed.

*Cam's POV*

Amy and I lay in bed. John starts crying I get out of bed and go to his room. He stops crying and looks at me.

"Hey little guy let's check you out and see what you need so I can go and lay back with mommy and spend some time with her before I get insanely busy" I say to John picking up

I check his diaper first and it's full. I grab the wipes and the diaper and I put him on the changing table. I change his diaper and I put him back in bed. I put the dirty diaper in the trash and I shut off his light. I go back to mine and Amy's room and she is sleeping.

"Ugh children" I say whispering jokingly

I lay in bed with Amy. I kiss her forehead and I fall asleep

*the next morning*

I wake up. Amy is out of bed. I slowly get out of bed and I go downstairs and Amy is making pancakes, Bacon and Eggs.

"Good morning" Amy says smiling

I give her a hug from behind

"Good morning" I say smiling

She turns around and we kiss

"How did you sleep" I ask her jumping up to sit on the counter

"Good. How did you" she asks me counting to cook

"Great. I had the women I love sleeping beside" I say smiling

"Your such a sap" Amy says

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" Amy says

"I have to go and meet Nash and the director at 10 at the park to run through lines" I say to Amy

"Ok. I have to go grocery shopping, Clean the house and Mahogany is coming over for a bit to visit" Amy says

She finishes making breakfast

"Ok" I say

"Gracey honey breakfast is ready" Amy says

Grace comes into the kitchen. Amy get her a plate and Grace sits at the table. I grab a plate full of food and Amy grabs a plate and we sit at the table together.

"Where is John" I ask Amy

"He is in the living room" Amy says getting up

She goes into the living room and comes back into the kitchen with John and puts him in his high chair

"He already ate before I started making breakfast" Amy says

I nod and keep eating. I finish eating. I rinse my plate and put it in the dishwasher. I go upstairs. I shower and change into jeans and a grey t-shirt. I put my phone in my pocket and my wallet in the other. I grab my car keys and I go downstairs. Amy is on the couch with Grace and John.

"I have get going to meet with the director" I say

Grace gets off the couch and hugs me. She lets go and then plays with her toys. Amy puts John on the couch. She hugs me and kisses me. We pull apart

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