Removing Walls (Edited 9/20/2019)

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Hello all! I hope that you all actually read this chapter- A whole heck of a lot has been added to this chapter, things have been worded better, and things have been fleshed out better. I hope you like this version of the chapter and I will see you next time!


Amidst violence, unhappiness, and suffering, the Fates observed the human race, who were scrabbling at the dirt, trying to become better than their fellows in whatever way they could. They were newly created, just recently standing up on their own two feet. Death was high and numbers dwindling, and the Fates had decided that the humans needed something to live for, something to work towards. The first sister spun the new string of Fate, a strong golden thread woven into the fabric of a mortal's life. The second sister removed the tangles, deciding when that golden string would connect to another's cloth. The third and final sister, cut both normal and golden string, determining the end of the life that they had woven.

This gold string created something in this world that would go by many names: Bonded, Entwined, Life-Mates, Melded, and Connected. Yet the most common term created was Soulmates. 

Roughly half of the human population had this string entwined within them. Those without the golden string weren't any less off in a way- some people would do better without the extra entwining string, while others too vile for the string to keep its luster, causing the string to die and wither away even before the life was made.

Humans and mutated fellows were found to have soulmates. But demigods, on the other hand, tended to have no soulmate. They died young and often lived in pain and suffering. It would be cruel to pair a demigod up with another, only for the demigod to die a horrible death, leaving holes in their Entwined's cloth of life. 

Now, over the years of humankind, scientists alike have found the explanation of Soulmates a difficult thing to explain or even to find out the reason of how they were developed or created. No one knew how Bonded could feel not only their counterparts emotions and communicating through them, but how injuries and pain were transferred to the other in a shared experience.

Bruises transferred to the other, the marks fading from the non-recipient a few hours (or a day at most) after the conception of the injury. Cuts and mild lacerations also appeared, taking the form of pink lines on the other Soulmates skin, the marks fading just as fast as a bruise would. Major scarring stayed on both, the marks lighter on the non recipient than the ones who had received them. When one was sick, a light pressure could be felt in the affected areas that the ill possessed. Oddly, certain injuries did not transfer over between the Entwined. Major burns, limb loss, diseases, blindness, frostbite, and other considerable damage did not transfer.

Studies have been conducted for decades, and one of the most puzzling things found, was the fact of pain thresholds. If the pain one Soulmate experienced went over the pain threshold of the other, the other Soulmate would feel a nothingness coming from their Bond until the pain abated enough for the other Soulmate to handle the pain alongside their Life-Mate.

There were many things that the world didn't yet know how to explain about Soulmates, but the world cherished each and every one.


Aphrodite's POV

The goddess of love was a misunderstood creature, her true intent and actions having become twisted in the minds of men. She wasn't some vain selfish creature, who only worked to further her own ends. She was a god who helped the Fates with their golden threads, helping to make the bonds stronger between the two Entwined. She walked battlefields and conflicts, she kept hopes going strong among the suffering. Love wasn't always sexual, it could be familial and platonic, it could be something that was incapable of being described. And her domain tended to be just that- indescribable. But as the years passed and she matured, Aphrodite cared less about the perceptions of her. She played the part she was assigned beautifully, and she was happy at her underestimation.

There Goes a FighterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora