Gay Ships are Yay Ships

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The first part of this chapter isn't meant to offend anyone or their views, it is meant to be something light and funny before I delve a bit deeper into the story line.

Also, ya girl saw Endgame, and don't worry there will be no spoilers from me. But just know that I'm not gonna do you all dirty- hell, I planned the fight against Thanos BEFORE INFINITY WAR EVEN CAME OUT- how's that for being prepared? So, I got you guys. I'm gonna treat you right, the way you deserve.

Anyways, with love, ya girl,



This call to Assemble wasn't for a fight, first and foremost. They were being called to DC to manage a protest that was about to get violent.

Normally, the Avengers wouldn't be called for this, but after roughly a dozen appearances by them at certain events, they gained a reputation of being able to handle crowd control with a certain degree of finesse. The most notable, however, was when the Westboro Baptist Church were protesting and harassing a Pride Parade in the streets of New York. Suddenly, dozens of Iron men armor of all different sizes landed on either side of the road to protect the parade. Each had been given a temporary paint job in the colors of so many different Pride flags. The one that been painted with the gay pride flag in glitter paint retracted its helmet, revealing Tony Stark, smiling, hair covered in matching glitter. As one, every armor pointed their repulsors up to the sky and shot biodegrade-able glitter of their respective colors into the sky. Tony blew a kiss towards the protestors just as the other Avengers arrived.

Clint had been proudly decked out in the colors of the asexuality spectrum, using his justly named 'Aro' arrows to scatter even more black, purple, and grey glitter into the sky. Thor landed, hair proudly braided with rainbow ribbons, cape colored like the lesbian pride flag. While Falcon swooped overhead, wings the colors of the polyamorous flag, Nat came out with her suit colored to look like the demiromantic flag, matching green widow bites adorning her wrists.

Pietro's top were the heterosexual flag, but his pants were the gay flag, indicating the straight ally flag- it also looked super cool when he ran. His sister decked out in the colors of the colors of the pansexual flag.

War Machine had shown up as well, rainbow as well, with black and brown added to it. Vision changed his suit to don the colors of the non binary flag and his cape became the gender queer flag.

Percy and Bucky both came out wearing the colors of the bisexual/biromantic flag, Bucky still shy around people but still wanting to support. Steve was on Bucky's other side, gasps coming from the crowd as they saw Cap's shield painted like the transgender flag while his suit was the colors of the original gay pride flag.

The Hulk wanted to be there as well, and so the team had fun throwing all types of colors at the big guy's chest and back. Spiderman swung back and forth in his pansexual colored suit, his webs somehow dyed rainbow.

As the screaming reached a crescendo, Tony's voice had been projected from every single suit. "While we all may not identify with the colors we wear today, know that the Avengers stand with you, that we love all of you. The Avengers offer you a safe house if you need it; we care for our own. And for those who have too much hate in their hearts to spread love- we have something to say. Love yourself first and don't be worried about others- we have extra love to give. If you are scared and hurting we understand and accept you. But what isn't okay is attacking others because they are different from you. If God doesn't like gays, then why did he create us? Didn't God want you to love thy neighbor? The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference; for at a minimum, to love or hate someone is to have intense emotions toward them. So if you are unsure, if you doubt your hate, come with us and celebrate yourself. The Avengers Tower is open to all as a home or refuge. The Avengers will protect you." A few stragglers from the crowds of screaming people made their way timidly to the parade, the people in the sea of rainbow quickly giving them a place with them. "And now, without further ado, for those who cannot see past their own bigotry and hate, here is a song just for you." Gives You Hell started to blast from each and every Iron Man armor, accompanied by yet another blast of biodegradable glitter.

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