Prophetic Dreams Just Dunk On You

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I am sincerely sorry for the long wait, but if you want a better explanation, I put up an announcement on my page that goes a little bit more in depth as to where I was.

I do have a rough plan of where I would like this to lead, but I was stumped on how to continue this. But suddenly an idea had popped into my head and I pumped out most of this within a few hours.

Thank you for all well wishes and encouragement, hopefully I can get back to interacting and replying to you all.


When Percy found out that Steve had lied about the truth about him keeping secrets, she had called the whole team to the briefing room. She gave Rogers a thorough dressing down, stripping him of his title of leader. At his protest, she berated him further, tasking him with actually completing basic training and learning how to actually earn his title of Captain instead of relying on an honorary title given to give him more stage presence.

"Don't pull this with me Rogers, I know that your title is just a fancy moniker used to sell more war bonds. Maybe if you had any actual training on how to take charge and command a group, this wouldn't have happened. From now on, I will be in command-"

"But I've always led the team-" Steve cut her off, only to be cut off in return.

"I've led a group of teenagers into a godsdamned fucking war. I've watched as dozens of them were killed by monsters that could have only come from your greatest nightmares. I've watched twelve year olds take up a sword and shield to train to kill the monsters that would murder them for just existing. I've watched as children hoped that maybe this time, this time the monster that they've just killed won't come back when they are still alive. I've had monsters hunt me down as vengeance when all I've done is kill them so I could survive. I was predestined, fucking bred to satisfy the universe's need for a warrior to win all wars that I was thrown at. I was created to fight, to lead others to their deaths in a war we didn't want in the first place. From the moment I was born, I was hunted. I have traveled through Tartarus, a place so horrible that you wish that you went to Hell instead. I have let so many people down, I have watched as people with so much hope and a life ahead of them were killed. And even after I was thrown out by my family, I went to SHIELD and I worked my ass off to become better, learn how to lead and plan and get all of my people out of any situation. I learned so I didn't lose any more people. Some of us aren't warriors, some of us are just people who have these abilities or technologies that realize that we have to step up for those who can't.

"Anyways, I will be taking command, Rhodes and Stark are my seconds. Rhodes is a Colonel who earned his rank and Stark can see all of the factors and calculate the best way out without needing any casualties to be had, especially with JARVIS double checking him. He also took his father's multimillion dollar company and turned it into a multibillion dollar company that is one of the highest Fortune five hundred companies, all the while caring for his millions of workers he employs, sometimes paying out of his own pocket to keep things running. They know how to lead. Romanoff and Barton work best alone or together, but they know how to be a team and how to follow orders. Banner and Hulk are civilians but they listen to orders. Spiderman, the Maximoffs, and Lang are new superheroes that were only civilians until they stepped up to fight. Wilson and Odinson would be good candidates, but Thor is still working on being headstrong, and Wilson is beat out by Rhodes. Strange doesn't have any leadership experience either and the Guardians are their own independent group.

"Now, end of discussion Rogers. Also, read up on the report that I wrote on Stark while I was employed there under SHIELD- they have been using that one instead of the one Romanoff wrote since after the attack on New York. While we go and talk with the next people we need to ask for help in this coming war, read my report on the whole Ultron situation and how none of it was Tony's fault. Dismissed."

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