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So this has been something I've been thinking of doing, please comment on what you think and 5 votes will make me continue.

love ya guys, Em <3


I stood watching as he entered the termonal carrying one carrry on bag and the contense of his pockets. Giving him one final hug, brown eyes holding back tears as I looked into his amazing blue eyes. He pushed back his brown bangs before turning to leave with his Dad, who would take this journey with him as he was only 16. "Good bye, Adam." His mom called beside me as I stood watching. Adam gave a waved back one last time. "I'm going to miss him, Emma." she turned to me, eyes wet.

"Me too Mrs. H, me too." I took one final look at the place were Adam previously stood before going to look out the huge airport watch his plane. I wondered why I was the only one here that was a friend, it was nice. I wanted so much to say thing to him but I'm not a very confident 17 year old. I pressed against the glass. Thinking of the note I slipped into his jacket earlier, the note that said what I felt, the note I was to chicken to say aloud or bring up.. A note that could just ruin our friendship, or stretghten it. "Good luck." I whispered as the terminal closed and then the plane began rolling down the runway,  and into the air. I watched until it was gone.

"I hope he calls." Mrs. H. said next to me.

"He will, he's not going to forget his family." I tried to smile at her.

"Your so sweet Emma." She gave a little smile

"Thanks." I glanced at my phone, "Shoot I better get home. See you around." I gave her a friendly hug before heading to my silver VW Bug in the parking lot. I turned the key and remembered what I wrote, going word-for-word in my head.

"Adam, I know by the time you find this you'll already being doing some shows with Jackson, and for about three years now I've wanted to say what I'm about to....Like you I never had the guts to show this...but I should start from the begining...."


five votes for me to continue (but i might anyway...)

Em :D

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