Chapter 7

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Hello readers, I'm sorry for not uploading in here for awhile, and now I have to try to recall the past. It's kind of hard to here goes.



I literally smiled at the screen longer than a person should.

Stupid I know, but who hasn't done this before? I can't be the only one. right?

Finally I shut it off and went peacefully to sleep, happier than a person should be.

School was a drag, nothing new, especially for a first day. Day two however, well let's just say nearly could've ended in no longer having an entire school. We sat calmly in second hour and listened to the discussion about what we'd leanr and blah blah blah. There was a moment of pause as one of the preps got a pass to use the bathroom, nothing new. Upon her return moments later she stated, "It's like pitch black outside."

That's when we heard a low droaning noise. "I'd better go see what that is." Mrs. J dismissed herself for a moment to look in the halls. "Well," she said returning, "if it get's bad we'll go to our emergency spot...I actually don't know where that is...." How comforting to know. I really hate bad storms like this because they can bring tor-

"If everyone could please report to their emergency weather area. The weather conditions are turning tornadic." our vice-principal's voice came through the loud speaker. That was exactly what I feared. Told to leave our things behind we went to the freshman hall and sat in front of the lockers until Mrs.M, our theatre arts teacher, invited us into her room.

I quickly followed the class inside, it was two walls thick since it was originally on the outside of the school building. I gave a quick look around the Theatre class and a few faces popped out at me, but the most noticable was Adam. I crawled behind Melody under one of the tables since it was the only place for us to go, and sat behind my friend Juli was in facing Adam. After a few moments of silence a blonde girl tapped me and asked if I was in band. With I smile I helpped her out with the issue she was having and made a light conversation before we both flinched at a loud boom. Our conversation ended I went and became part of Julie, Adam, and two other random freshmen's conversation well Melody was drawing a rose on my hand in an attempt to calm herself down.

We talked about anything and everything as we sat through the tornado warning, which was actually kind of fun. Before we knew it third hour had come and gone as well as twenty-or-so minutes of 4th hour. With that we were told we could move and the conditions would be watched in case the storm grew worse again. Luckily the day went calmly, but was very boring.

Once the school day finished out I felt my phone vibrate as I stepped inside my house, it was Kay as usual. "You two would have cute kids."

I stared at the text for a few seconds before sending "WHAT?!" back to her.

"I saw that Adam guy in choir. He's cute for you, I think you'd have cute kids."

Laughing I replied to her and that developed into an interesting conversation. Kay was the first person to know I liked Adam, but she didn't know everything. She would joke about it in a fun way that didn't go too far even though, until today, she had no idea who he was. Kay was definatly the person who would talk to me about this the most.

Soon Friday came, only a three day week and I was already grateful for it to be friday. I hopped out of the Vue and ran through the chilled air to the band room to snatch up the little green card that had my name on it as well as my band uniform number. I bolted up the stairs and recieved it from the band mom's that helped Mr.A stay organized. Quickly I made my way into the girls' assigned changing area and began to get into the many layers of uniform.

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