Chapter 8

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The rest of the days went by very much the same until after school when I headed in for our school's fall play audition, this year it was the play "Arsenic and Old Lace" I enjoy acting so i figured i'd give it a try. To my joy the entitre audition went well. i managed to sound like an elderly woman for one try out and then I was asked to try a manly voice as some of the girls would have to do a guy part...we always lack enough men for any productions....

Everyone smiled and told me I'd done a great job and that they hoped i got a part. I smiled and thanked them all, returning the wishes for luck. I felt confident I'd get some part, I didn't care if it was big or small, as long as I made some fun memories. I'd have to wait a few days to find out. 

Two days later I found out that I was to play Martha Brewster.  One of the crazy old ladies that poisoned old men because she thought it was the right thing to do "charity." Adding to my joy was that Adam was going to play one of the old men we tried to kill. We'd start work the next day, and I couldn't wait!

I walked into band weeks later, it was already September 20th! This time the sound of cruches approached me. "Adam!" I looked up "what happened?" I asked full of concern, i mean when you like someone the way I like adam that was normal to be as worried as I was...right? though anyway i'd be concerned even if I didn't like him.

"I was running at my cross Country meet and I twisted my ankle in a hole." He sighed as he managed to pull out his own trumpet.

"Aw, I hope you feel better soon."

"Thanks, I'll be ok. It's not broken at least." he gave his usual cheerful smile that I would always return because smiling is contagous anyway! We went through our usual routine and Adam remained behind that day at Mr. A's instructions, although Mr. A did tell him he'd have to go out in two days to at least watch us work, today however he just had to sit in here and make sure he had the three songs memorized for our preformances. I was glad we only had three more, the one next friday, Homecoming, and then another time after that. We just had to get through September.

Two nights later I logged onto Facebook and saw Adam online and me being me I messaged him.

Spetember 22nd

Me 9:12pm

hey, how's your leg?

Adam 9:14pm

Eh. :P I'm icing it right now but..

Me · 9:17pm

but? but is never good

Adam · 9:18pm

Idk. I think I'll be without crutches tomorrow!

Me· 9:21pm

awesome! :D that'll make it easier to get around just little

Adam 9:22pm


Me · 9:22pm

but if you still need a hand i'm here :)

Adam· 9:23pm

Thanks! But it's gonna suck when I have to march on Friday.

Me · 9:23pm

I'm sure Mr. A will understand, he was ok with it when Sara had a hard time and if worse comes to worse piggy-back with someone x)

Adam · 9:24pm

Good one!

Me· 9:24pm

thanks I'll be here all week!

With that it said Adam had signed off and I decided to do the same with a yawn. Only 8 days until Joey and Jackson's next show!

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