Chapter 3

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After sitting on a freezing cold bus for almost three hours (the time was spent watching Tangled). I stepped out into the sun and put my ticket in my bag that held my swimsuit and began putting my sunscreen on before pulling on my baseball cap and realizing Gina and I were left with the chapperones. OF course we need a group of three so we went with the chapperones until we could find someone, which we didn't. So Mrs.H offered to take us on rides

"Let's start with The Wizzer." I said as we came out of the First-aid building from dropping off some medicine or whatever. Upon seeing the line we decided otherwise.

"So which rollercoaster do we want to go on first?" Mrs.H smiled

"NONE!" Gina and I chorused, making Mrs.H laugh and begin to prove we needed to face our fear and how it was good to go through all the knwon emotions in one day. She then dragged us into the line for The Raging Bull, promising there were no flips only turns and drops. Of course Gina wasn't happy when the announcer said otherwise. We got into the back of the cart together, with Mrs.H in front of us, and buckled in fearing for our lives. We began going up, and up and up. To my dismay gina wasn't taking this well and began to point at the stairs saying we were way too high and then we were falling.

I attempted to comfort her saying it was just one more turn, only to turn and see two more, and then this continued to happen. I stepped out when the ride was over and grabbed my bag, stuffing on my purple glasses quickly. "See wasn't that great? Gina its ok." Mrs.H said as we walked off. We slowly agreed it wasn't too bad but wouldn't go on that again. Once again we walked along trying to find a ride.

"That would be The Demon." I stated pointing at a black track that wound in front of us that Mrs.H debated with herself on the rides name,

"Let's go on that, metal rides are always smoother."

"It goes upsidedown and corkscrews at the end...its not fun." I remembered from my past experience that made me dislike the ride very much. With a sigh I found us waiting to get in the cart. I kept telling myself it would be better now that I was older and could hold my head back and knew waht to expect. I was right, i didn't have to close my eyes or anything. The ride went smoothly and quickly. We figured we'd let her drag us on Superman Ultamate Flight.. "Just because he's on my shirt doesn't mean I want to ride his ride!" I joked gesturing to the superman logo on my shirt.

We waited in line then went in. I spotted that some little kid took my seat with Gina and Mrs.H so I joined the very back row with 3 guys.  "Ready for this?" I nodded before giving the dude a seat away from me a high-five. I stared down at the concrete as we shifted to a flying position. We went forward and up the hill. "I BELIEVE I CAN FLY" One of the guys began to sing making me laugh. Quickly we dove down toward the ground and pulled up.

We went around then flipped, I breifly thought I heard a cry of "Shit" at that moment. We stopped and waited to go back into the unloading area or whatever you wanna call it. "So who's Superman's enemy?" one of the guys asked, and me being me I listened.

"Lex Luthor." the guy who high-fived me said.

"What's his power?" The guy next to me asked

"He's a human." I answered after no one said anything, "He just has lots of control over things and knowledge...." The glanced at one another and I paid no attention to it. Once the ride came back to a sitting position on jumpped off and got my bag.

"I forgot about that flip, I can't believe I let that slip." Mrs.H was saying, and I realized right away she was refering to saying "Shit" As we walked out we decided to go on the Dark Knight indoor coaster.

"Could I use your phone?" I asked, seeing as I left mine on the bus. "My dad wanted to go on these rides last time we came but we didn' I figure he could join us." With a smile she handed me her iPhone and I began to text as we waited in line. We boarded the little train and went into the darkness.

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