Chapter 9

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Adam ditched out of practice early on the thirtieth, not that we needed him anymore. We'd run the scene with him three times. We finished our last run of the scene scheduled for that day and were allowed to leave 15 minutes later after being reminded to look for our costumes and memories our lines more  for the play since the show was already in November! I waited for my ride to pull up and once it appeared I hopped in "hey Mom!" I smiled.

"How was practice?" She said as she drove out annd toward where Adam and Jackson were playing a gig. (At this point she'd been told about the show for a long time since she knew I liked Adam and now she was curious to hear him sing.) 

"Fine, I'm getting my lines almost memorized. A lot of people have a lot of work to do though...." I said fliddling with the radio. "We're going to have practice at Craig's sometime in October, we haven't decided though."

"Just let me know when that happens." Mom said as we drove and I listened to how her day went.

"We're going to be late..." I said as we reached the edge of the small city around 4:58pm, the show staarted at five..

"Oh well." My mom said with a smile. "You'll miss one song at most."

"...but I don't want to miss ANY!" I laugh and watch as we pass by buildings. Around 5:05pm I see the cafe attached to Goodwill and I perk up in my seat.

"This place is...empty." My mom comments as there are only maybe five or six cars in the parking lot.

"The parents probably dumpped their kids off." I reply steping out and began walking in with my mom. Turns out my theory was incorrect. We walked in as Jackson and Adam sat tuning.

"Hey Emma! Good afternoon Mrs.Allum!" Jackson waves and we return a greating as we walk back to buy some milk and Special K Bars. I look around and see two random people sitting up front, Jackson's older sister, and Adam's family. We sit down as they start, "well, let's get started shall we?" Adam asks practically no one since I have food in my mouth. I listen as they start with "Dynomite" by Tao Cruiz. The food is good, melting in my mouth but I prefer the bars my mom makes. The music is good and Jackson and Adam start to switch back and forth. Jackson would sit on stage or with his sister when Adam sang. Adam would sit with his sister's friends and her or play with his younger siblings when Jackson sang, or rather currently played a medley of Legend of Zelda music. 

Adam came and grabbed a chair, "hey thanks for coming." He smiled

"No problem, kind of suck that more people didn't show up." I smile

"Well people are just getting off of work." Mom chimes in and we both nod.

"Well enjoy I've got to sing now." He satnds and goes up.

"Well he's nice." Mom smiles

"i told you." I say as he began. Next Jackson loaded up Evansence's "My Immortal" lyrics on his iPod, since he didn't fully know them. As we waited Adam began singing the jeporady theme until finally Jackson began the beautiful cover of the song. Once finished Adam sang his own song, the one I'd fallen in love with and basically seemed to fit my life now.  

Afterward he finished I excused mself to the bathroom. I returned to find Adam playing "Jar of Hearts" or rather he tried to and kept hitting the wrong notes so he moved onto an accapella of a song called "Hot Lunch" with Jackson. Next Adam preformed "teenage Dream"

"I bet you liked that." My mom laughed quietly after Adam shook his butt durong the first chorus.

"MOM!" I laugh too, my mother was so...funny.....

Many songs later they sang "Come Sail Away" which I mouthed along to, it was a half-time-tune for band and I'd grown to love it. This was followed what had become known as Jackon's theme from the talent show a year ago "Hallejah" Afterward he stood up from the piano

"Thank you for coming and also shout out to Emma Allum!!!" He pointed out at me so I gave a cheer.

"hey mom, I'm going to go talk to them quick, I'll meet you in Goodwill, ok?"

"Alright I'll start looking for some costume stuff for you then." With that she split up and I turned to see the two boys already out the door so I go after them. "I get the shout out but not the hugs?" I ask as I'm out the door

Jackson turns and comes over arms wide. "Emma! I didn’t hug you yet I’m sorry!!!" He gives me a biiiiggg hug

"You did awesome! I'm so glad I came" I hug back then feel him let me go. I turn to see Adam by the door trapped in someone else's arms "I’m waiting for my hug Adam."

"I’M BEING RAP HUGGED!" he calls

I laugh and turn to Jackson again "Well I’ll Rap-hug Jackson again then you!"

Jackson smiles and hugs me "Thank you again for coming" Finally he lets go as Adam walks over.

Adam hugs me and mutters " I’m not doing the X-factor"

I slip around so my arms around his neck as I lean back to look at him while his arm is around me, his other is now holding a guitar case. "What?" I ask

"I’m not doing the X-factor".

Smiling I ask, "What about America’s Got Talent?"

"America’s got Talent maybe." he smiles

I'm still hugging him at this point, "Well if you did I’d use all ten votes on you."

Adam begins to let go so I do the same, "Awww thank you! Well I gotta go, thank you so much for coming."

"Bye guys see you!" I call after them

"Yeah Thank you again!!" Adam calls with a wave as I head back inside to help my mom look for some stuff for the play, smiling all the while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2012 ⏰

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