Chapter 5

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Yup, I finally decided on it. My living room wall did have a hand smudge on it.  I really needed something to do. I should work on playing my trumpet, or reading, or 4H stuff for the fair in two weeks. Sighing I rolled off my couch and onto the floor to the laptop, logged onto Facebook and scrolled through the home page.

21 Questions



 21 Questions

Lame status

21 question, etc. I rolled my eyes, darn cute wall posts, and it wasn’t just Kalli on Adam’s wall, but the cutesy posts in general. I shut the laptop off and watched TV, bored out of my mind. I missed seeing everyone, but I was glad to be done with all the huge projects.

I finally decided to go enjoy the wonderful July weather and give my dog, Tony, some love. I sat down by him only to get greeted with loads of kisses and him lying on my lap; getting his long golden hair all over me. I sat out there for a while stroking him while thinking. With a sigh I got Tony off my lap so I could go inside at which point I finished stamping my belt for 4H. I carries it carefully out onto my deck into the warm sunlight and began to clean it. Once I went over that I sat and let it dry so I’d be able to stain it.

I sat in a patio chair and began the rest of my reread of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows since I was going to the premiere in two days I figured it would be a good idea to review the book. I’d even made my own Harry Potter t-shirt for the premiere, it wasn’t fancy, just an iron-on-picture of Harry Ron and Hermione. (see pic on the side once its up). I jumped slightly as my phone vibrated in my pocket, so I pulled it out quickly and read the text from Kay asking me what I was up to. I gave my reply and stuffed my phone back in my pocket again before standing up and checking my belt.

                Gently I rubbed on the black stain onto it, only to spill the bottle onto my cardboard work area, but I used all the puddle on the belt so it was ok. After that was finished I sat down again and let it dry. I kept an eye on the little black and white fluff ball that was my kitten Achilles. The way he was looking up at the belt on the table worried me he’d jump up there. After finishing up Harry Potter I put the sealant on next before taking it inside and starting a Harry Potter movie marathon. Kay texted me the entire time, unless she was texting her boyfriend, I had to admit I wasn’t going to listen to all that. Kay was flirtiest of all my group of friends, except maybe Daisy. I put my phone down and let my attention go to Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets.

I finished the movies for the day getting to the fourth year. I needed adventure, I missed the band trip….My ‘adventure’ came with the premiere of the movie. My uncle picked Jade and I up at five o’clock and we headed to the cinema. I teased my uncle’s friend for not reading the Harry Potter books. We took a ¾ clockwise loop around the cinema once there. “It’d have been faster to have gone the other way.” I joked as we sat down in a patch of grass.

We sat for six hours, playing cards, watching a bunny rabbit in the bushes, watching as a group next to us played Ninja loudly. In that time I got up and walked into the cinema to use the bathroom. Upon my walk back to our spot a group of people videotaping declared as they filmed me walking by, “IT’S HERMIONE!” I gave them a ‘what the hell’ look only to make them laugh as I walked away. At about 11:00 we headed into the theatre so I took the snack-bag to the car, only to have two random dudes come up to me saying “where were you?! We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” I shook my head and walked back into line.

Soon we were inside watching ads, then trailers, and then THE MOVIE!!!! Let me tell you the audience in our room was very emotional; clapping, cheering, crying/sobbing (I almost cried too), laughing, etc.. I loved it! Kay texted me afterwards since she’s a night-owl, and I told her how AMAZING it was, so she was planning on going the next night with her mom. Once I was home I quietly got ready for bed and crashed.

Sooner than I thought it was time for the fair! I got judging done quick, only to have it go slightly worse than expected, the next day I spent at the fair with Charlie! She’s been my best friend since Preparing for First Grade. She tied her wavy brown hair back due to the heat as we waited for the Starship 3000 to stop so we could go on. She adjusted the blue glasses that matched her friendly eyes as we boarded.

                We managed to get on almost all the rides before sitting and relaxing in the dairy barn. Soon it was time for us to go to our shift at the 4H Dairy Bar. “Our second job today.” I smiled referring to our volunteer job at the local library that we were at earlier.

“Yeah, now let’s scoop ice cream!” Charlie picked up a scooper and we began working until Charlie was put to the job of making Malts. I kept getting scolded for being slow, and I was doing my best and the bitching wasn’t helping me go faster or my mood. Not to mention a lady I told three-times it was my first time working here kept asking me questions. I managed to work all two hours with numb hands and tiredness. Clean up wasn’t much better. I washed dishes only to be told to go clean my area up, even though the lady who came back to scold me helped while muttering complaint AGAIN as a nice boy helped me again, made the biggest mess. That same lady also snapped as I grabbed a cleaner I assumed was for the mop and went on about it so I mopped quick whipped down and snuck pass the lazy elderly woman by the door who had been watching us the entire time.

                Escaping into my mom’s car was great, I needed to relax. I told her my story and she told me she’d have come to help but I wouldn’t have been able to even call since my hands were numb and stick and I had to constantly scoop. My mood was still soar and my hands were sore but Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness was helping.

                I made the trip to collect my projects two days later. I looked forward to the summer band camp to help with our performance at our football games ‘Till than it was time to search for more hand smudges on my walls…yay….

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