Chapter 1

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                *3 years earlier*

                “So are you going to Jackson and Adam’s benefit?” Jaylyn asked again for the third time snapping me out of my train of thought of the summer, and the fact I was going to be a sophomore next year.

“What?” I asked stupidly not remembering that Jackson and Adam had invited us to their camp in Missouri fundraiser where they’d be performing.

“The thing at the church down the block, that’s next Wednesday at 6 o’clock p.m.” She shook her head with a little laugh as she fixed her braid that held her long brown hair up. She gave me a ‘are-you-serious-you-don’t-remember-you’ve-been-excited-for-weeks-about-this?!’ look with her smoky blue eyes that could send chills down a person’s back when she gave a full-on glare.

                “OH! Right, duh, sorry I was in thought.” I said with a smile as we went down the hall and out the door. The summer breeze hit my face hard as a gust came at us as we went to the bus.

“About Rory???” she joked, her smile faded as I shook my head.

“No, I think that crush has faded, then again I haven’t seen him in a long time….but I’ll move on one day, so who cares? What about you and crushes?”

“No one yet, but I’ll let you know.” She smiled before waving and stepping onto her bus for the second to last time. I continued to walk alone pondering whatever came to mind until before I knew it I was home. I plopped down on the couch and relaxed, the last day was tomorrow…it was unreal, the year sped by.

                The following day wasn’t anything special just more F.I.N.A.L.S and sitting with friends. I felt so much relief it was over, but now it would be a long summer. I did have the 3-day band trip to go on, that’d be fun. Jackson and Adam would keep it interesting. Before I knew it the day of the benefit arrived. I got there a bit earlier, my sister Jade drove us there. She went with her friends while I sat down by Melody and Jaylyn. Melody greeted me with a big hug, in which her blonde hair nearly ended up in my mouth, her hazel eyes wide to see me. “Let’s eat!” she pulled me into the line for food.  As we ate Adam step forward and began thanking everyone for coming and then he began to sing Tiao Cruiz’s Dynamite.

                I lip sang along as I got my taco which I sat down and ate in the audience with the gracefulness I have. (note the sarcasm) I listened as the songs went on, taking recording with my phone to use as ringtones, but most fail making me wish for my camera. The crowd went silent as Adam sat down with his ukele and began to speak, it felt different then any other intro even before he spoke. “I doubt you’ve heard this on the radio before since I wrote it. So I hope you enjoy.” He picked at a few strings before going on. I perked up then as I listened it was easy to relate to with any crush and how you couldn’t tell them how you felt.

                I stared, rarely blinking it seemed,  listening then, and I felt lke this song was about me, which was insane since I barely knew Adam that well, bit it did seem like he looked over at me a few times…. I shhook it off when Adam then followed it up with Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars, dedicating it to a girl in his grade, it was crazy anyway, but I still felt something….I sat until the show ended and  Jade asked if I wanted to go, which really meant ‘let’s go,’. I waved to Jackson and Adam, who weren’t even paying attention. I was silent on the ride home, the radio seemd quiet in my mind. Once home my parents asked how the show was and I told them it was good. I then began telling my dad how I love Adam’s song, how sweet it was, how good he was, etc.

“Sounds like someone has a crush.” He said giving an odd smile.

                I felt myself turn red, “shut-up.” I joked before walking out of the room.  I pulled my headphones on and flopped into bed falling asleep to Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, and the last thing I thought was Adam singing that song earlier.

I flew up into the air giving a slight sound of surprise as Ke$ha sang You’re Love is my Drug. I threw the headphones off my head and looked down at the iPod Nano, (the fat one from my uncle, but it worked good enough for music,) that was under my butt. I yanked it out before saying to myself, “When did I even put that on here?!” I lowered the volume realizing I never locked my iPod before falling asleep so my butt turn it WAY up. Yay. I looked down at my Lego Darth Vader alarm clock and saw that it was only five in the morning, and I was too awake to go baxck to sleep. Double yay.

                I stopped Ke$ha from singing and then headed to get the laptop, I had nothing better to do now that I didn’t have school, and the trip wasn’t till next week. I quickly entered facebook into the browser followed by my email and password. I entered a status about Adam and Jackson’s amazing show before looking through my news feed. What felt like an hour later I got passed all the 21 question type apps and horoscopes and to the actual news. I read a few statuses and stopped when I saw a changed relationship one.

                Adam H is now in a relationship with Kalli D.

The girl he’d dedicated the song to last night…I only had a small crush on him, why was I so jealous. This sucked.

Unknown LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz