Chapter 4

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I groaned as the phone sounded for the wake-up call. I picked up only to hear a recording, "24 hour service and-" I hit the end button and headed up to the third floor for a shower. (It was quicker to go up to my dad's room) ONce finished I headed down for some breakfast then onto the ice cold bus, which made me wish for my jacket. We popped Finding Nemo into the DVD player as we drove to the aquarurium, and let's just say there was a lot of quoting the movie. We went inside the place and looked around as much as we could before heading to the Beluga Whale show. I sat down inn front only to wait as the crowd came in.

"Emma," someone called, I realized it to be Adam. "I love you Pikachu case! What's in it?"

"Nothing right now, I use it as my camera case." I smiled, Adam and I had that love of Pokemon in common, so it was only natural he'd notice the little yellow cloth case with Pokemon and Pikachu on it that was attached to my hip.

"That's awesome." he smiled

"Thanks." I smiled back before turning to watch the show/ I have to be honest, it was cool, but uneventful, all they did was swim around, find things and kiss their trainers.We filed out and walked around somemore, looking at th Jellyfish exibit followed by the sharks, and before we knew it it was time to go to the 4D movie.

Throughout the band we'd been joking that we were going to see Dora and Diego Catch That Robot Butterfly! but it ended up being Disney's Planet Earth, in which we watched polar bears, seals, and penguins.Mist filled the room, lights changed color, the seats shook, bubbles blew, air shot at our necks, and apperently our seats were supposed to pinch us during a shark attack. I was glad mine didn't, the lights came on and we went out and boarded the bus.

Note to self: Never forget a jacket again, and bring more to do next time!

Finding Nemo finished up an hour before we stopped to eat. I glanced to the back of the bus to find most everyone asleep, it was actually kind of adorable. It was a disappointment to stop, only to find the place closed. We decided to pass a tip for our driver around the bus. It took us five minutes to explain to a girl why we were putting change in a bag, and then she'd laugh and almost blurt out the surprise so we had to shut her up. Once that was over we pulled over into an area that let us pick Culver's or McDonald's. I ate a bit quicker than normal, and then our table discussed moves and the trip before getting back on the bus for another two hours (which was spent watching The Proposal)

I honestly at one point thought a tire was going flat because of a loud pop (which ended up being a bag of chips popping open.) Eventually we finally pulled into a parking lot.

:"OK Band." Mr. A stood up and addressed us. "We're a bit ahead of schedule so we're stopping at Heid's Music. Now's a good time to change into your red pep band polo and kakis. So go look around. Be respectful." I had already gotten into the "uniform" so I got off the bus quick.

"Nice PJ's" I smiled at Adam after spotting his green Grinch pajama pants.

"Too much green." Dad chuckled before we headed inside. I made a purchase of some valve oul for my trumpet before looking around in the room of guitars. I wanted to learn that too. As I looked Adam and a few other band kids walked in. Adam played a few different insterments while the others lost interest, so it was just him and me.

"Hey Emma, listen to this." Adam looked at the strings on the bango before playing a tune I recognized but couldn't place. He looked up as he kept playing, amazingly blue eyes unblinking, my own eyes felt the same way.

Don't be crazy, he's got a girlfriend, I thought. I smiled at him, "That's awesome. He smiled back before leaving the room. My dad walked in shortly after. "I think I'm going to ask James to teach me guitar." I told him

"He might not teach you." Dad said, hazel eyes scanning the room. I usually would have ruffled his dark hair but not now.

"I know." I sighed, "I don't want to go back on the bus." He chuckled and we walked outsde. The drive went fairly fast, but the rain made 'Music in the Park' become 'Music in theBowling Alley.'. I went a stuffed everything but my trumpet and music into my mom's car.

"Hey Mom!" I hugged her before heading up by lanes 6 and 7 to play with the band. I kept up fine, but I'd run our of air fairly quick, but the whole thing was fun. During the break I sat down at the bar by my parents and ordered a Root Beer.

"You look like your mother." Some guy my parents were talking to told me. I saw the resemblence, same eyes and similiair hair color. I gave a nod before going to play again. Once we finished I packed my trumpet in its case, gave my grandparents hugs (they'd been sitting in the audience) and went home. I was happy to go home, but sad that that was my summer adventure for awhile.

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