Chapter 2

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Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
I look myself in the mirror... my brown eyes have never looked so tired for a lot of reasons...tired of crying,caring and loving him!
"Tini! Hey you fell asleep! "
I open my eyes and look around me. The car is stopped and Austin is holding me.
"What happened?" I ask him while I'm rubbing my eyes.
"We're here!" He tells me and turns his head towards a beautiful house.
"Already?" I look out of the window to see my new neighborhood.
" get out of the car because we have a lot to do today! "
He opens the door, I get out to and watch him walk into the house!
"OK you are ready! You can do this...I believe in you!" I say to myself and take a big breath. I enter the house and take a look around. Right next to me is a mirror and a table,in front of me a staircase which I imagine leads to our bedrooms. I look behind the stairs and see our soon to be living room and of course the kitchen, my mums favourite place! My mum is counting the boxes that just got here.She wants everything in order! I on the other hand get crazy if everything is so tide!
"Honey go up and see your room! Its the bigger one! " She tells me as she opens the box with the paintings I drew for her last summer.
"You didn't have to give me the biggest room mum! "
" I know but this room has also a bathroom and I thought that you will prefer it!" I smile to her and rum upstairs. I open my bedroom door and see white walls and a complete emptiness.
"I have a lot of work to do!" I leave my bag on a chair beside me and go downstairs.
"Mum please I have to see my best friend for 4 years! Since the last time he visited us in Texas! " Austin tells mum annoyed by her attitude. I shit on a chair and listen my brother's and my mum conversation!
"Austin, sweety he haven't even put our furniture in order! You'll stay to help us!" He groans and looks at me.
"What if your friend comes here instead? He can help us too...if he wants of course! " I tell them while Austin mouths "thanks! "
My mum thinks about it for a while.
"Fine but don't make a mess OK? "
"Yes thanks mum,I love you! "
"I love you too! Now come on let's get to work! " she claps her hands and trys to see where the table will look better!
"I go and call Alex be down in a sec! " he takes his phone and walks out of the house.
"Did I hear right? Alex... the Alex the one with the weird hairstyle? "
"Yea that one! Your first love!"
"My what?! "
"Oh don't try to fool me! You where in love with him back then!"
"I was 13...I didn't even know what love is! " I say to her!
"Mhm don't try to fool me sugar! "
I roll my eyes and get up
"OK I'm gonna leave because I don't think we're going to communicate!"

Thats chapter 2 guys! Tell me what you think!

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