Chapter 7a

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Liam POV

I felt something, or more likely someone, poking my cheek, giggles filling the room. I slowly opened my eyes, squinting as I did so, to see my beautiful baby, dressed in jeans and a purple hoodie with a smiley face on it. He was looking down at me with bright hazel eyes, grinning as his forefinger was still poking my cheek.

"What are you doing, you cheeky little thing" I said, lifting him up and blowing a raspberry on his stomach, causing Zayn to giggle even louder, swinging his hands back and forth, trying to reach out to me. I pulled him back down and pulled him close so that he was resting against my chest. I sighed in contentment while Zayn just stayed there, relaxing against my protective hold.

"Love you baby" I said, kissing the side of his head.

A few minutes later, the door opened, revealing Louis dressed in jeans and wearing a jacket. He shook his head as he saw us, rolling his eyes at the same time.

"Zaynie, you were meant to wake Liam up" Louis said, playfully. Zayn just looked up at Louis, an innocent look on his face, saying nothing in response. Louis chuckled before trying to take Zayn from my arms, but I slightly tightened my grip on him.

"Leave him be Lou, we're relaxing" I said, nuzzling my face into Zayn's hair, the fresh smell making me sigh in contentment again.

"It's 11:20 in the morning Li, it's nearly the afternoon, the boys are dressed already, it's only you left" Louis said. I sighed, before reluctantly handing Zayn over to Louis, despite him making grabby hands at me. I got up, and went to the bathroom to get washed. I changed into a pair of black jeans and a simple blue t-shirt, and went to the living room. The house was empty so I went to the garden to find Harry and Niall playing football while Louis was sitting in the hammock, Zayn in his lap, who was holding Buster and stroking him tenderly, a small smile on his face. Louis seemed to be refereeing the game while Zayn was just clapping happily, probably not even understanding anything that was going on.

Harry and Niall had been going to school for a week already and fortunately, it seemed to be going well. Niall was coming home everyday with a gigantic smile on his face apparently, which I did see on the days that I wasn't working and Louis was instead. He seemed to be getting along very well with a boy called Ed and even a girl called Ellie. I had a feeling he might have a crush on her. I may have to give him a little advice. I know that Louis would definitely disapprove of Niall having a crush, but i don't think he's noticed anyway. Harry didn't say a lot about how school was going for him, but he would have said something if there was anything wrong and so would the teachers. He was always excited to see Niall and Zayn anyway, so he hadn't lost his cheerfulness.

Upon seeing me, Louis beckoned me over to him, which I did. He tapped his cheek with his forefinger, making me grin before pressing a long kiss to his left cheek, and doing the same to the right. Zayn clapped happily at the sight.

"Kiss, kiss Lou, kiss Zaynie' Zayn said, looking up at me. I chuckled, before pressing a big kiss to Zayn's cheek, causing him to giggle.

Louis suddenly cheered in happiness. I looked to see that Harry had just scored a goal. Niall was pouting, while Harry was full on grinning, dimples prominent. Louis looked up at me expectantly, making me roll my eyes.

"Go on, go and play then" I said, as Louis grinned, and then got up, giving Zayn and Buster to me. I sat in Louis' place, placing Zayn in my lap.

To my surprise, Buster the rabbit seemed to be growing on me. I was quite fond of the animal now, despite my reservations when finding out that Louis had said it was okay for Harry to look after him. I believed that we didn't have the space to look after a rabbit and the fact that Louis hadn't discussed it with me had annoyed me, but now that everyone seems to love him, I don't mind Buster so much.

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