Chapter 4

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"Good morning, Raca," the teacher greeted Raca as she entered the classroom. Unfortunately, she was the first student in the classroom... again.

"Good morning." She was careful to avoid eye contact.

"How are you?"

Great, another attempt at awkward conversation. Why couldn't people just leave her alone? Despite her feelings, she replied, "Good, you?"

"I'm doing well, thank you. I love your shirt."

"Thank you." Hastily, Raca headed to her seat, the only seat in the classroom without a table and sat down. Before the instructor could say anything else, she pulled out her book and buried her nose in it.

Soon, the classroom was filled with students whining about school and their homework. When the last student walked in, the teacher approached Raca again.

"Sorry, Raca, I have to ask you to move."

"Oh, okay." She gathered her things and got up.

"I have a student who's going to sit here so they don't talk to anyone," the instructor explained.

"Where should I sit?" Raca asked.

"Is there anywhere you prefer?"

"Can I sit alone?"

"Sorry, you'll have to sit with someone else. How about over there?" The instructor gestured to a seat with two students at a table, both boys.

Absolutely not as long as there are other people nearby, Raca thought. Regardless, she nodded and replied, "Thank you."

After moving to her new seat, she gave her tablemates an icy glare and began reading again.

"Wow, you really like reading, don't you?" her classmate next to her noted.

"It's okay." Raca gave him another look. Did he not understand she wanted to be left alone?

"But you read all the time, so you must like it, right?"

Ignoring him, she pulled out her laptop and began writing out her unforgettable dream. What am I doing? Raca scolded herself. Am I really taking a silly dream so seriously?

"Whatcha doing?" the classmate asked.

She kept typing.

"Oh, is that a story?"

"Yes, it's a story I'm writing," Raca lied. Maybe then he would shut up.

"What's it about?"

"Something." What does this idiot not understand about leaving me alone! Raca exclaimed silently. She shut her laptop with more sound than usual and resorted to staring out the window.

It was probably, just a weird dream, but if it wasn't...

She mulled over Tao's words. He said the people of Vastia needed her and she was their only hope. But how did that even make sense? She barely knew how the other world functioned, not to mention she had absolutely no idea how to use her newfound powers. They could do just fine without her. Yes, she would tell Tao just that. She didn't need to get caught up in Vastia's drama.

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