Chapter 9

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"ASSEMBLE FORMATIONS!" a general's voice boomed over the castle grounds. Ravenna stood to the side awkwardly, waiting for Tao to get his armor on and trying to not be noticed. Unfortunately, every soldier in seemed to acknowledge her presence. The Eye was launching its attack at night, possibly since its army could see in the dark, giving them one more advantage. Though she had heard The Eye assembled a legendary force, she couldn't imagine any army falling the formidable stone walls of the fortress.

"Sorry for the wait," Tao apologized as he walked up to Ravenna, nodding to the soldiers.

"This isn't time to socialize," the king growled as he passed. "Raven Tao, you will fight with the army while Lady Ravenna continues on alone to defeat The Eye."

"Understood," Tao replied, sobering at once. With a few flaps of their wings, they were both airborne, watching the mass of the King's soldiers. Ravenna's throat constricted at the thought of how many innocent lives will be lost tonight. When they had almost reached the destination of their last stand, Tao grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side where they landed on a grassy hill. Gusts of wind whistled around them, tossing Ravenna's hair and causing her raven-feather cloak to billow around her. "Remember, Ravenna, whatever you do, believe in yourself. Your willpower is the very source of your strength. You must not lose hope."

"What if something goes wrong?"

"We will find a way," he replied calmly.

"What if you get hurt? What if I mess up? What if-"

Her words were cut off when Tao pulled her into a hug and wrapped his wings around them. He stroked her hair and whispered comforting words before she could completely break down. Then, he pressed his lips to her head in the least romantic way possible. Ravenna understood the gesture, a bond was established between them, one formed with affection and love. They weren't romantically involved; neither of them had ever wanted that.

They were friends.

They would always be there for each other whether in the same world or not.

They would get through this together.

"Believe. As long as you believe, all will be well. We must part ways for now, but I'll see you later, right?" Tao said, pulling back so he could meet Ravenna's amethyst eyes.

"Yeah, see you later," she smiled, though her eyes shone with tears. "Be careful, okay?"

"You too," Tao replied. He spread his wings and joined the ranks of the army. Ravenna could see several other winged figures joining him. There were twelve in all. Ravenna's smiled broadened. All twelve Ravens had gathered to defeat the Eye.

Ravenna scanned the horizon just as a mass of troops thundered into sight. Dragons, wyverns, griffons and more were amongst them, all bearing riders and collars. She squinted, searching for a "smoldering red force" Tao described. Much too soon, the two forces clashed, a cacophony of screeching steel and anguished cries. The twelve Ravens descended from the skies, hurling elements towards the enemy. A cluster of Ravens flew high to avoid the cachers' arrows, then swooped low, blasting lightning, fire, ice, and wind at the dark army while another Raven slammed a spear into the ground, causing the ground to split and crumble under the offenders' feet. A sudden flood swept some other troops away and a flash of light blinded others.

For a moment, it looked like the tide had been turned, but it was not so. Soon, dragons smashed through the king's soldiers, killing with ruthless efficiency. The king's own beasts didn't stand a chance as they all hesitated when urged to kill their kin.

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