Chapter 8

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"They can't attack from there. The land is much too wet for their army to march on," a general argued. Ravenna was standing in yet another war council with Tao at her side. Just then, she heard shuffling coming from a shadowy corner. Instantly, both she and Tao drew their throwing daggers and hurled them towards the sound. Both knives thunked against something soft, and then a cursing filled the air. Ravenna and Tao approached a figure hunched in the shadows with one hand pinned to wall with a dagger. The second dagger had slashed the figure's arm. The trespasser was clothed in black cloth worn from use as well as a mask concealing all his features save for his eyes. Tao ripped off the mask, revealing a man in his early twenties. His vermillion eyes burned with hatred as he glowered at his surroundings.

"State your purpose," Tao growled, spinning a dagger in his hand.

"Your plans will not work," the intruder scowled at Ravenna. "The Eye will prevail and take your land once and for all! This world will belong to the crimson force and the crimson force alone-"

"Tell us what you know," Tao commanded. Then, he flipped his blade over and held it to the spy's throat. "That is if you want to live."

"You think you can threaten me with a knife?" The infiltrator dared to bark a laugh.

"Tao, stop it," Ravenna said, remembering something Tao once taught her.

"But-" Tao protested.

"Lower your blade."

"And here we have the mighty savior," intruder spat with venom in his voice. "What's wrong? Is the little girl too scared to see some blood?"

Without another word, she let her tendrils of magic slip into the spy's mind. You are trapped and utterly alone, she whispered into his mind. You must tell your captors of your master's plans.

"You think your mind tricks will work on me, girl?"

She let her power fill every crevice of his mind and blot out his senses. There are knives digging into your flesh, needles protruding from your skin, and hooks tearing your sinew from your bone.

"Wha-" the spy howled with pain, frantically moving his hands across his skin, undamaged and whole.

But that's not all. Ravenna continued. White hot daggers pierce your eyes, turning slowly as the whites of your eyes crack. Blood streams from your face, a river of agony.

Though hands caressed his face, he could not assure himself there was no damage done. Broken sobs escaped his lips and he felt torture beyond imagination.

You looked down at yourself, and what do you see? A million spiders covering every centimeter of your skin. Their hairy legs clamp on your skin, like tiny needle-like pinpricks.

You can make it all stop, her voice filled his mind. Just give us what we want.

It took a millisecond for him to surrender the information. Ravenna took the information and placed in in her own memory. Thank you, now I'll end your misery. She took back the illusions haunting him.

"Thank you, thank you," he breathed in relief, wiping the tears from his face.

Now, a serpent is resting on your shoulders.

The intruder's eyes went wide, seeing a mass of green scales and bloodied fangs.

It's wrapped around your neck, squeezing harder and harder.

The spy's hands automatically went to his neck to rip away the nonexistent snake. His eyes bulged in their sockets as he squeezed his neck with his own hands.

Before long, his body collapsed on the ground, cooling and still.

"Ravenna?" Tao whispered her name, putting a hand on her trembling shoulder.

"I did what I had to," she replied, voice shaking. Then, she turned to the council. "The Eye will arrive soon, marching from the Western plains. Let us prepare for battle."

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