Chapter 6

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Raca sat bolt upright in her bed, wondering if she had fainted and woken up in a room under the care of healers. Her eyes focus on the interior of her room just as she noticed the blaring of her clock. Groaning, she slammed the alarm, silencing the annoyance.

A few hours later, Raca looked up from her mindless doodles of ravens, to see the teacher droning on and on about the plot diagram for their upcoming writing project. Boredom got the best of her, so she wrote out the savior's prophecy again and again in her notebook.

"OOOOO," Raca's annoying classmate "ooooh" ed. "Is that a prophecy for your story?"

She blinked. She blinked again. The irony of the situation hit her: the soul hope of one world was nothing more than a joke in the other. Then, she thought about her peer's words for a bit. It wasn't a bad idea to record her memories and turn them in as her story. Raca didn't have a story planned out anyways, and besides, she had already begun writing her dreams the other day. Nodding she replied, "Yes, this is the beginning of my story."

"That's so cool," he responded. "Can we work together? What's it about? Can I read it?"

"Maybe. Something. Maybe," she replied, determined not to give away any specifics. Her poker face was void of emotions and gave no sign of the answer her acquaintance was searching for. Soon, he'd walk into to class chirping "When's your birthday? What's your social security number?" Raca thought.

"You're really not going to tell me, are you?"


He leaned over his desk and tapped on another guy's shoulder. His name was Kris if she remembered correctly. Soon, the two were bickering over how their story would go.

"Alright, class," the teacher's voice resonated in the classroom. "Since you have done well, I'm giving you all five minutes to hang with a BFF."

Great, Raca thought, pulling out a book. Just as she was about to open it...

"Raca, why don't you join us?"

Raca turned to her bothersome classmate and arched an eyebrow. "What?"

"Y'know, talk to people for once. Come on. Am I not your friend?"

We barely talk to each other, and you annoy me beyond measure, Raca thought. How can we be friends?

"No, we are most certainly not friends," Raca said. Regardless, she put down her book and joined him and his circle of friends. They were talking about some band she had never heard of, so she just stood there quietly and listened.

"Boop." Kris made sound effects as he went in a circle and hit everyone's head with a roll of paper. For a split second, she considered backing up, but then she remembered how she felt when Tao knocked her head.

"Boop." Kris whacked her head. Raca didn't move, didn't blink, didn't breathe, didn't do anything. For once, she didn't feel the urge to strangle a classmate for a friendly gesture. A hint of a smile played on her lips.

Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.

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