Chapter 5

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"How was your day?" Tao greeted Ravenna. So it wasn't just a crazy dream after all.


"Your face says otherwise."

"My day was fine," Ravenna glared daggers at Tao, challenging him to argue.


"It's still nighttime?" Ravenna asked, just realizing she was at the exact same spot as she was last time she dreamed. She felt her wings rustle in the wind and looked stretched them. One would expect wings to be a heavy burden, but Ravenna felt free. They barely weighed a thing, though they spanned from the ground to well above her shoulders.

"I stop time, remember?" Tao knocked a knuckle against her head playfully. Normally, Ravenna would have grabbed a pencil and stabbed whoever did that to her, but this time, she enjoyed it a bit; it was nice to be able to be comfortable and relaxed with someone.

"Anyways, it won't be night for long," Tao continued. "Look."

Just then, a ray of dawn's first light arched across the horizon, nearly blinding Ravenna. The stars faded from the sky which was rapidly brightening from inky darkness to a pale blue.

"Um, Tao? I thought about what you told me, and-"


"Well..." Ravenna hesitated. She told herself she would refuse, but how could she? How could she abandon the people of Vastia? Even though she didn't know them, she felt an obligation to do everything in her power to help them. "I have decided I will..."

"You will...?"

This is your last chance to back out, a voice warned Ravenna. Once you say this, there will be no backing out.

"I'm not backing out." She smiled, for she knew she had chosen right.

Tao returned the smile as if he had expected this all along. "Good. Now we have to train."

"What do we do?"

Ravenna clumsily fumbled with two sheathed daggers Tao had tossed her.

"We fight."

Tao lunged at her with his own daggers. Not having the time to think or unsheath the daggers, she fended him off using instincts and nothing else. With a snap of his wrist, Tao sent one of his daggers whirling through the air and leaving a thin cut on her forearm. Ravenna watched in fascination as her flesh knitted itself back together and a moment later, the wound was gone, though ripped fabric remained. Fire burned in Ravenna's eyes as they met Tao's. "I've had it with you."

Purple flames covered Ravenna's body forming an aura as she rushed at Tao using her wings for balance. He barely had time to react before she descended on him, a whirling of feathers and steel, black and silver. For some reason, fighting like this seemed like second nature to Ravenna. Each movement seemed practiced and honed as if she has been doing it all her life.

With one blow, she struck Tao's daggers from his hands.

With a second blow, she used her daggers' handles and bashed his head with them.

With her wings, she sent a gust of wind, throwing him backward and slamming him into a tree.

The flames faded and realization slammed into Ravenna like a tidal wave. She dropped the daggers and ran to Tao's slumped form.



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