Back (xScout)

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---Author's Note---

Request and idea by maythekitty this has been seconded by FemPyroshark with an extra idea!

It has a bit of gore!

Scout bounced his leg irritably in the hallway, waiting for his turn while the others also sat in line for Medic.

Scout's back was burning like hell, but he refused to take any immediate action.

Of course, anyone with an emergency could just burst in without waiting and getting a ticket, but he didn't want to look like a whimp in front of the (RED/BLU) Nurse (Y/n).

She would often coo and giggle for the patients, so she could get on treating their wounds as well as treating their tired hearts for the day.

Scout knew why she did it, and that she didn't really actually baby them, but he just didn't like it!

It made him feel all gooey and warm and fuzzy all at the same time inside. It made him feel weak! And that was the problem there. He didn't want to seem weak in front of the Nurse.

He glared at Demoman walking in. He wanted to get in right away but according to the number on his ticket, he would be the last patient for the day.

Scout gave an annoyed grunt and looked over at Engineer. He had a large gash over his face, and to kill the time, he had his guitar in his lap, playing a soft tune.

But it just made Scout annoyed and grumpy.

"Hey! Play your guitar somewhere else egg head!"

Engineer glared over at Scout. But the older man seemed to know something was bothering him, thought better, nodding and kept silent.

Scout felt bad for what he said. He didn't really dislike the noise but he was feeling extremely edgy.


The clock ticked on and Scout was getting even angrier.

Demoman seemed to be taking an even longer time than usual, and it made Scout bounce his leg even faster.

Sniper looked over at him.

"Bounce your leg a lil' faster, and you'll be loike Spy's cellphone on vibration"

Engineer gave a short laugh, and Scout scowled over at him.

"Mind your own business ya moron!"

Sniper chuckled.

"Well, well, well, somebody's gettin' a lil' cranky aren't they?"

Scout opened his mouth to say something but Engineer stopped them both.

"Alrigh' we all had a long day, let's all just sit down and relax, ok?"

Sniper agreed and slumped back with his hat on his face. And Scout huffed and bounced his leg even harder.

And with a small ding! Spy walked out of the medbay and noticed Scout bouncing his leg.

"You're like a cellphone on vibration"

Sniper gave a bark of laughter and Scout gave a growl.


Scout felt like his back was on fire now, and he was seriously annoyed. Every sound that he heard seemed to be amplified.

The ticking of the clock, Sniper's snores, the clincking of Pyro's lighter going on and off, even Engineer's breathing was annoying him.

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