Chapter 6

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Natsu's POV
  Didn't see that coming, did you?

It feels like something in my life is missing..No someone in my life is missing and It's not Igneel.
A girl....Lucy??? No..

That's right! Y/N, my childhood friend, and my best friend!
I need to find her, but, she isn't here..?

Master quickly announced that Y/N and Aiko had quit the guild, but, why?

I'll look for her tomorrow, right now, I need something to ease my mind.

"Natsuuuu~! Let's go on a job! " Lucy cooed with her small blush as usual.
"Sure thing, Luigi"
"ITS LUCY" She yelled, i didn't care quite much anyway

I looked at the board and saw a job about a girl by the name Y/N and read it. It was about her singing career, when it suddenly hit me.

Y/N was the girl next to that 'Haru' dude.

"That's right.. " I mumbled

Lucy asked and titled her head
"Lucy, I need to tell Y/N something, wanna tag along?" I asked her and extended my arm towards her.
"Sure sure" Lucy replied

"Haruuuu, please give me the lacrima remoteeee" I groaned

"Do it yourself, it's in front of you" He retorted back

"But it's wayyy too far away!" I yelled

"What will I get  n oh exchange?" He asked

"You want something just because you helped me?" I scoffed

"Yeah, so?" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow

"Fine, a kiss?" I looked at him, and he was just staring at me, processing what I just told him

"A kiss..?" he repeated

"A kiss!" I yelled from the top of my lungs.

"Okay.. " He mumbled

He went and gave me the remote that was quite close to me,
"Kiss?" He asked,

"Nah, no kiss, I just really wanted the remote" I said and looked at him

He sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist, and held me tightly so I couldn't move, he slowly leaned in,

"I really looked forward to that kiss y'know?"
He whispered in my ear

My lips caught his attention and he gave them a light peck, before letting me go, I was very flustered,

"I.. I love you.." I whispered, before pretending that I didn't say anything.

"You say that everytime, and guess what?" He asked
"I love you more" He answered as he lightly pecked my lips, again, though this time, his lips just brushed past mine

Yes, me and Haru started dating for like; 2 months ago, and our love was mutual

Suddenly the doors were crashed down
"Y/N? Please, come back to the guild! I miss you, so much. I'm sorry for what I did, I was just so happy that a new guild member joined, I didn't realize that I forgot about you, I'm sorry! " A pink haired Pyro yelled

"And I want you to come back!" he looked at me with sad eyes,

"No Natsu! I'm already here! I can be her better replacement!" That big busted blondie told him, before realizing what she said, and looked down in shame

"Listen, I really don't want to say this but, please get out. I wouldn't want to attract any flies to my apartment, by the way, are you seriously overweight, are those just as fake as your personality?"
I smirked and pointed at that big bust of hers.

"W-what?! HAPPY LETS GO! I don't wanna be around trash anymore!" She yelled

"I swear to God if I hear your annoying voice screech like that again, I'm gonna make you wish you never were born!"
I yelled as loud as i could

"Y/N, who is he?" Nats---The Pink Haired Retard asked whilst looking at Haru

"That" I pointed at Haru "Is mine"
I said as i hugged him

"WHO CARES HAPPY LETS GO!" The bimbo yelled, again

"I'm sorry but, why don't you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance? If I ever wanted shit from you, I'd squeeze your head. Shut up."
I glared at her,

She crossed her arms and turned to look away.

"Aye, Lushy, you're too heavy"
Happy said

"You dumb cat.. Anyway, I'm dating Natsu now. "
A smile found it's way on her face

"Okay? But, please breathe the other way, your breath is bleaching my hair"
I laughed

"Wait, who gave you permission to be in my house?" I asked and stopped laughing

"I don't know.." She answered unsure

"If you can't answer my question what are you doing in my house?" I asked her as calmly as I could. 

"U-Uhm, I-- We were just..Um"

"Okay, are your parents siblings? Or are you just mentally disabled? Shut up, I swear to God, I'm gonna show you what life would've been if you didn't get enough oxygen at birth birth!
Aiko yelled

I stopped talking, but, Lucy kept complaining, so I kicked her and all her friends out.

They disgust me.

Soo sorry for not UPDATING sooner MAH Fairies
It's just that school, Keeps blocking  my way for writing..
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