Chapter 19

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"If you take another step near me, I'll shove your disgusting sunglasses  down your throat, I swear, you'll be spending your next few days trying to replace that piece of shit," you threatened the orange-haired male as he was trying to seduce you, while you almost attacked him.

The young, and flirtatious man laughed softly at your threat, knowing full well that you would never follow on it, but subsided all the same determined you were to not fall for anyone.
"Why don't you atleast try to date me?" voice full of innocent curiosity.
"You look cute."

You were fuming with embarrassment at this point,
"I am not cute! Don't call me that!" You responded, sounding much more harsher than intended.

From the corner of your eye, you saw your friend furrowing his eyebrows together, his smirk slowly tugging themselves downwards.

Whether or not you got that reaction of him was because of your cruel tone, or due him disagreeing with you, you hung your head low, you weren't sure, but you immediately and hung your head low in a silent apology.

You bit your lower lip, hard, it almost drew blood. You didn't want to upset the young man, but, you hated receiving compliments from him. Getting those sweet compliments didn't give you confidence, or happiness.


It gave you regret, knowing how Aries loves him, you knew the great compliments you received, if you compared yours to hers, it would be like a stack of gold next to a small but great diamond.

You knew that yours would never be as good as hers,

"Y/N, are you listening?" a hand was waving back and forth in front of your face, "you were spacing out, again."

You gave a nervous laugh before muttering  an apology,

he chuckled, his laugh was quite soothing, to be honest, "don't sweat it,"
His eyes were looking all over the place, up, down, left, right, you name it.
"by the way.. Have you seen Aries?" he gave you a worried look, concern was written all over his face.

"Sorry, I haven't seen her since yesterday, " you said, while giving him a look of sympathy,
"though, she should be here, no?" You questioned, your mood lightening up a bit.

"She should.. Anyway, I gotta get going, Lucy's calling~" His body became golden sparks, and he disappeared slowly, "Bye, Y/N!"
He waved and gave me a sly smirk before disappearing completely.


\( ̄▽ ̄)/

now sCREAM

I'm so sorry that this one was so short, I was quite in a hurry, I still love Fairy Tail though!

Like my new writing style? Comment below!

Ily guys! 💕 
I'll never be able to show my gratitude to you guys, I hope in the future though!😗

Hibo-out (⌒▽⌒)

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