Dreemurr family

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Then she slam the hamer herself to the left and a single ringing bell sound can be heard outside.
When Sans finally come out from the judgment hall, Dreemurr family don't have a choice than take him to their house, he is Frisk responsibility anyway. They now sitting together on the table, eating food that Toriel made for them. Sans sit next to Frisk, don't care about their glare for him, especially the duo brothers.

Frisk hand is cover by a thick bandage, she have to wear that for several days, she sigh sadly when she look at her food... it's hurt when she tried to grab the spoon, but no way she will show this to her family.
Sans notice that Frisk will winch every time she move her right hand. With a gentle touch, Sans remove the spoon from her hand and begin to feed her.

"Say something when your hands are hurt okay?"

She nodded her head slowly feeling faint blush show up from her face but the romantic moments must end when Chara snatch the spoon away from him.

"You don't have to feed her, you are no one for her, let me feed her instead"

Sans feels vein popped from his head, no way he let this cocky damn kid win. With blur he snatch spoon away again from Chara and glare at him.

"Oh.. really? this 'no one guy' is your sister fiance and soon will become her husband so shut up!"

Bad move Sans... bad move...
Frisk blush madly but this only make the tension in the room become thicker, silence filled the room, all of them stand up expect Frisk and Sans, their eyes dark and cold.

"Is that's true my child?"
"Uh... yes"

Then....hell broke loose (A/n : i don't know why but i really like to use this word XD ) Chara angrily slam his plate, turn it to a thousands sharp pieces, then he grab the biggest piece and place it on Sans throat, Asriel in other hand, help Chara and hold Sans on his chair by pull his arms from the back.

"Who the heck do you think you are! you are not good enough for our lovely sister!"

Chara red eyes filled with hatred but still thats dont seems to scare Sans , he even not make any single move to trying to escape, he just sit there, showing his shit eating grin. Toriel and Asgore holding Frisk who trying to help Sans and spin her around so now she is facing them.

"Is he force you honey?"
"No mom, he doesn't... and... i kinda....like him so..."
"But he is demon dear, angel and demon can't be together you remember... as long he doesn't kiss you, you still can break your bound with him"

Decide to add more tension in yhe room, Sans shout.


Chara scream and stab him with the sharp piece but before it touch him, he already gone. He appear again in second floor, grinning widely with Frisk in his hands.

"Do you really think i will just stand there and take it?"
"Please demon! release our daughter!"

Asgore eyes clearly showing fear in them. Sans grin get wider and hold Frisk tighter in his hands.

"Listen here... Queen, King and you two kid! i will give you two options.
One... you will let me live here and let me marry your daughter or... two... i will bring her to the hell with me"

Asgore sweating heavily.. he know actually whatever option that he choose... he must still give Frisk to him but Frisk will be in danger if he bring her to hell.

"Fine Sans... i choose option number one"

Chara and Asriel scream at Asgore while Toriel can only glance sadly at Frisk who still blushing in Sans arms. Sans grin fell and it's turn to be a gentle smile as he flying down from the second floor.

"Gez... all of you is no fun.... look... i don't want to hurt your daughter okay, so let me protect her"
"But you are-"
"Demon? yes I'm... but can you see someone heart just because their status? you are angel.. so i suppose you are more know this kind of thing than me"

Silence once again filld the room, and now Toriel turn to break it.

"You serious want to marry our daughter?"
"Then don't disappoint us"

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