Look at me

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Dont mind my art :v i still can't draw it right --"

"I don't know if he want to see you yet my daughter... but if you want to see him... he is in the basement"
Frisk run to the basement, her loud steps echoes creating a scary atmosphere... Frisk remember first time she doing this, but if she can meet Sans again after this, then she will take the risk.
Frisk reach the bottom, it's really dark and the only light she got is from a small candle on the table next to the cage, but it's enough to her to see him. Sans sit there, leaning on the wall and his back facing her. His usual active tail now just laying there on the ground.... and Frisk winch when she saw he now only have one left wing.


She got no answer, Sans keep spacing out there, he doesn't make any move... just breathing slowly. Frisk sit there, sigh heavily...


She tried to call again... still no answer, but she know he heard her.

"Hei... look at me will you.."

Still no answer but this time he look up a little. Frisk sigh, and curl herself to a ball but then Sans finally speak.

"Do you love me...?"
"Of course!!"

Without doubt Frisk answer him and thats made him tensed then look like in pain.

"Then......leave me...."

Frisk can see Sans griping his chest and trembling, it's hurt her to see him like this, so with her master keys he once again open the cage and walk in. Sans in other hands froze hearing the door get open and shrink more to the corner. Frisk gently sit behind him and slowly hug him close, she can feel he hold his breath when she hug him, but then he slowly begin to relax in her touch.

"Go..... i don't want to hurt you anymore....."
"You not hurting me.... and you know that"
"But i the one who bring you there!"
"I ask you to do it"
"But im-"
"Shh... don't blame yourself, i forgive you"

Frisk can feel the burden on his back being lift up and he cry and laugh at same time, he sobs and then finally turn around and hug her... crushing her in his grip, but Frisk doesn't care... she got him back. They stay like that like a hours and Sans finally stop crying.

"Hei... you are... king aren't you?"
"Y-yea... what about it?"
"Then you probably have to take your wing back... you are king! you need this more than me"
"Nope! i want my queen have a wing too"

Realizing whan he talking about she blush and punch his chest, make he laugh at her childish nature.... but then she stop when see saw something inside his thorn clothes. Curious got better on her and she reach it, holding it firmly but gently in her hands.

"A-ah... Frisk!! be careful with my soul!!"

Frisk open her finger... a blue heart that look upside down floating there... Frisk stare at it with sparkling eyes and stroke it with care but in other hands its make Sans shiver. She continue to do that, even she will kiss it several times, making Sans trembling and shivering. Sans finally give up and hug her close still with his shivering body, then he snatch his soul back fom her hands.

"I swear.... if we are married... i will not give you a mercy!!"
"Hehehe... you are mean"

Frisk kiss his cheekbones lovingly then just lay there in his arms all day long.



Chara and Asriel keep screaming and runing everywhere, while Asgore and Toriel just chuckle there seeing their protective son running mad.

"Better if we dont tell them"
"Hahaha you are really mean you know"
"Hehe i know that"

Welp... im bored... ask me anything if you want to ask XD anything i means it XD

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