The 4th of July

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So after awhile i'm finally writing that revolutionary war oneshot!!!!! -kaia


England's POV

It's the Forth of July once again and america is having his annual party to celebrate his independence from me. Every nation is invited, even me, which always leaves me baffled trying to figure out why he would do that. Of course I never go, either sitting in my study drinking tea like right now or going through his old things that I still have, most likely letting silent tears leave damp tracks down my cheeks.

Anyway as I sat in my study, slowly getting depressed more and more, quietly sipping my tea, I found myself thinking about what I did wrong to make him leave me. Where did I go wrong? The taxes? How I treated his people? What else could I have done to cause this? Those thoughts flying through my head over and over again. I put my head in my hands, staring at the honey liquid in my cup. Then a knock sounded on the door.

"Coming!" I called at the door. Opening the door I found a new sight. "America!?" I asked, bewildered as to why he would show up on my doorstep. "Yeah dude it's me!" He replied with a big smile on his face. "W-why are you here? Shouldn't you be at your party by now?" My face scrunched up in confusion as I looked at him. He scratched the back of his neck, nervously looking back at me. "Well yeah, but I wanted to know if you would come this year?" He asked looking at me then at the ground. I stood there speechless for a few seconds, staring up in his bright blue eyes.

"Uh... I-I thought y-you wouldn't want me there and was j-just inviting me to be n-nice." I stated, stuttering every few words. He looked at me again once again, eyes wide, looking into my eyes worriedly. It was driving me insane, honestly! "Why would you... think that?" He asked cautiously hand now at his side. I looked away from him. "Well I would have thought that you didn't want the person that you gained independence from to rain on your parade." I said, finding the lawn behind him very interesting, slipping into a flashback.

Flashback bruh~~

I kneeled on the ground, rain mixing with tears as they cascaded down my cheeks. "America, why, why me. What did I do so wrong to make you hate me?" I whispered to myself, my former colony standing in front of me. "I don't hate you, my people do." With that last sentence I watched him walk away from me, the tears falling harder as I sat and sobbed my heart out.

Flashback end bruh~~

"England you wouldn't rain on my parade!" He said making air quotations at the rain on my parade part. "Actually," He paused staring at me, then saying, "I-I think it would make me feel a bit happier if you came." I stared at him shock written across my face. "W-why?" The only thing I could say at the moment. "Well," he began looking away from me. "I-I've missed you ever since the war, and I just wanted to have at least a little time where we could talk and it not be us fighting, so would you come this year?" "Ok," I said, taking a deep breath. "I'll come this year." He looked at me, excitement pooling into his blue orbs. "R-really?" He asked head cocked to the side a bit like a dog's. I nodded my head. "Yes really, now come on you git let's get going!" I said dragging him out of the doorway. "ALRIGHT!!!" America screamed beaming at me as we hopped in his truck and drove off.

Whoop whoop first real installment even though it wasnt completely set in the revolutionary war it had it in it! Yaaaayyyyy!!!!! Now if ya want a oneshot request it in the comments and if thenewnightguard says something mean ignore her. -kaia

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