America's sleepy

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This was based off a headcannon so thank you pinterest
3rd person POV

For once, and for some odd reason, the nations decided to have a meeting at night.... so naturally it drug on into the night. It drug on so long that every nation present was sleepy or was asleep, even the so-called 'hero' America.

Everyone expected America to be sleepy, but they didn't expect what happened next.

England looked over at the blonde nation next to him and sighed.
"Hey America, wake up you git!" England shouted at the American, who had his head in his arms, close to dozing off.
"Mmphf." America mumbled into his arms. "You bloody idiot, get your head out of your arms and talk properly!" England said, glaring at the other. America lifted his face up just enough so that England could hear him. "Did ja not hear me?" He paused looking England in the eye. "I said I ain't got no energy left so shud yer mouth 'fore I shud it for ya!" (If you are confused by the horrible grammer its supposed to be Did you not hear me? I said I have no energy left so shut your face before I shut it for you!)

The whole room whent quiet. Every nation turned towards America, shell shocked. "W-what?" England breathed until it hit him. America had slipped into a southern accent. A deep one at that, one that'll confuse people from the north, west, east, basically anywhere where no one talks like that. One that you had to take time to dechipher of you didn't know what the person meant.

America looked around at everone. "Why are y'all starin' at me? Y'all look more confused then someone watchin' some weird show that they cain't understand." Everyone else just kept staring at America, who decided to go back to sleep. "What did he say?" Asked little Sealand, who had come to the meeting with Finland and Sweden. Then Englands brain finally snapped into a mode where he could figure out what America meant, a skill he had developed due to raising America.

"He asked us why we were staring at him and that we looked more confused then someone watching a weird show that theyq could not understand." England explained to everyone one as they stared at America's sleeping form, most thinking how they had to admit that that accent was pretty hot. "Ok vell then I think that this ist a good time to end the meeting." Germany said awkwardly said, everyone agreeing, packing up to go home for the night.

I hope you guys really like this one cause i sure do. To me this was fun to write cause im from the south and has a southern accent and i could just run the dialogue through my head as how i would normally talk. But seriously that is pretty much how we talk, words come out missing a few letters so like for me captain comes out as cap'in and 99.9% of words ending with -ing isn't pronounced with a g at the end so lile in the oneshot it comes out as swimmin', bikin', diggin' etc.

Again i got this from a headcannon so thanks to pinterest for the headcannon. Sorry if you think the charcters are OOC, i dont own any of them.
Kaia out

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