MAKEOVER (whoop de do)

423 9 3

3rd person POV
"DO I HAVE TO?!!!!" America yelled at France for the hundredth time in 5 minutes.

"Ohonhonhon~ or couse you do, don't you remember our little bet we made?" France replied to the american that he was currently dragging away.

You see France and America placed a bet. This bet was neither of them could pick a fight with England for a whole month, and if England started it, they had to be calm and reasonable or just agree with the bushy browed nation. The punishments were if America broke the bet first, he would have to get a makeover from France, while on the other hand if France broke the bet first, he would have to eat England's cooking for a month. (Im sure you can cook something amazing england...maybe). Anyway, if you can tell America lost the bet and was now about to receive his punishment.

"But I don't want tooooooooo!" America whined to the Frenchman. "Well guess what? You have to!" France said, a devious look forming on his face.

Timeskip brought to you um.. Katze!

France now had America sitting on a stool at a dresser, (is that what its called?) facing away from the mirror so he couldn't see what France was doing. "Do I reall, really have to?" America asked again. "Yes." France said firmly. "Ok," America whined. "but only cause I'm the hero!" America stated happily. "Ohonhonhonhon~ then let's start!" France then started applying alot of different products on America's face.

Timeskip again!

"Ok all done!" France sung, turning the american around to look at himself in the mirror. "Whoa... H-how did you do this?!" America said staring at himself in the mirror. France had somehow managed to make America look like a girl. America's hair was tamed to make it look like he had a bob or pixie cut, his rectangle glasses were replaced with another pair, making it look like he was a tiny bit hipster, but more like a nerd and last but not least; France had put just enough makeup on America to make him look like a girl, but not completly over do it. "Magic!" France beamed doing jazz hands at America. Well now america knew that France was good at makeovers and never doubted France's beauty skills again.

Yay another oneshot done! Thanks to PonyGenius13 for giving me the suggestion for this! Hope you liked it!
Katze- cats in german

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