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YOU GUYS BETTER BE HAPPY! I had to do research for this, but anyway I found this as a headcannon, and I really wanted to turn it into a oneshot even though this ship i havent really gone and looked at it alot (Its PoLiet/LietPol whichever way). BUT i dont have any problem with it at all i just havent looked at it alot.


Lithuania's POV
I jolted awake, my nightmare still clouding my vision, (the nightmare was from when stalin was taking citizens of the baltic states to labor camps and all those things) when a anxiety attack started. Some people say that I should get over it and it's not that bad, BLAH BLAH BLAH! Well it is that bad (A/N i have never had an anxiety attack so i go off internet). I knew it was happening the second I woke up. I turned to Poland, who was sleeping beside me, shaking him, continuing to get weaker by the second.

My chest was getting tighter and tighter, heart beat going faster and faster, only adding to fuel the fire in my mind. The nausea and shakiness hadn't started, but I thought it was going to soon, causeing my thoughts to get more panicked. With one more push to get Poland awake, he sat up and murmured, "What's wrong Liet?" I sat next to him starting to gasp for breath, effectively waking him up. His eyes widened for a second before pulling me on his lap before he asked softly, "Anxiety attack?" I nodded in his chest when adrenaline rushed through my vains, nausea and shakiness starting.

I gripped on tightly to Poland's shirt, my breath speeding up a bit, making me even more panicked while I struggled for air. Poland hugged me close to him, whispering comforting words in my ear, letting me know that he's here for me and it'll be ok. I buried my face in his chest, tears starting to well up in my eyes from fear. My heart feeling like it was going to stop beating, even though it was going a mile a minute.

All the fear and panic from all the things that were happening caught up with my breath, that somehow could get quicker. I pulled my face out of Poland's chest only to have him take my head and turn it towards him, brushing my hair out of my face, right when my breaths became shallow and fast. "Hey, Liet, I'm here, you'll be fine, you'll be fine." He said to me, knowing it would give me some comfort. I nodded, not able to form words due to hyperventilating. The deeper a breath I got the worse the hyperventilating got. My lungs felt like they were as small as a baseball, barely any oxygen to breath, my tears stills pouring down my face.

The hyperventilating got worse until I felt like I was about to die. My hands were gripped tightly onto Poland's shirt. This was the worst part for me, mainly because the hyperventilating only got worse and worse, adding more and more stress, fear and anxiety to plague my mind. Poland, of course was still holding me, trying to calm me down, trying to slow my breathing down a bit. Then the final wave of fear and dread floods through my vains. The last wave is always the worst. When it happens you feel so helpless, and so much fear and dread you feel as if nothing can help you, right when everything starts winding down.

Poland still kept up the reassuring words, while I was starting to calm down. I was still hyperventilating, but my breaths were getting steadier. I know alot of the whole process is hyperventilating, although it gets me every time. Soon enough the hyperventilating finally stopped and I was starting to recover from the shaking in my limbs and my racing heart. Now that Poland knew that I was breathing just about normally, he hugged me closer to him, letting me lay my head on his chest again. I was shaking as if I was out in the cold with no coat on. So as Poland held my shivering form, I focused on his heartbeat. That was one of the things that calmed me the most after an anxiety attack, it gave me something to try and match my own heartbeat to.

"Are you better now?" Poland asked, his voice soft and full of concern. "Mmmhm." I nodded tiredly, the last of the tears stopping. After an attack this bad, I always got really tired. I sat up a bit and looked up at Poland before asking, "Poland, you won't leave me, right?" Poland looked back at me, kissing my forehead. "Of course I won't. I will stay right here until you want me to leave." I smiled. "Ok, thank you." He pulled me back into the position we were before. "Do you want to go back to sleep?" He questioned. I nodded, gripping onto his shirt lightly.

He layed the both of us down, still embracing me. I settled in and repositioned my head to hear his heartbeat. A little while later I was drifting off, lulled to sleep by Poland's heartbeat. With one more look at Poland I fell asleep, calmed by the heat and heartbeat of the person I love.

Whoo! Ok so i finally finished this! I hope you guys liked it and that this is accurate because ive never had a anxiety attack so i whent off the internet. And this was longer, so im proud of myself, so i hope you like the longer oneshot this time!
Kaia out

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