Heavy Metal knitting

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Sweden's POV
I needed to go to Finland's house to eat lunch with him, which we had agreed to earlier in the week. So, as I made my way into the house I didn't expect to see Finny knitting. He was sitting on the couch knitting a cute pink hat for his dog, Hanatamago. But instead of listening to the TV in front of him, he had earbuds in, listening to music. He looked peaceful enough, even though he hadn't noticed my entrance.

"F'nn." I said, earning no response.

"F'nn!" I said again a little louder, still not getting a response.

"F'NN!!" I yelled, him completly oblivious to my presence.

Finally I walked over to him, reaching to pull out an earbud. Suddenly, heavy death metal comes blasting out of the earbud! I stood there in front of Finland, stunned, while he looked up at me and smiled so sweetly it could persuade the devil into doing something good. The look on my face must not have registered in Finland's mind, because his expression was so innocent, as if he WASN'T LISTENING TO HEAVY DEATH METAL. And it was a bit adorable too...but that's not the topic. I don't know how he was able to have such a calm look on his face, I was horrified (at the music not my wife)! How could my sweet little wife listen to that?

Well I guess I'll ask him another time.


Hey hey this was another headcannon that i made into a famfic so danke pinterest for fuelling my imagination.

Now i know ive already done a sufin and they are not spaced out very far but the next oneshots coming up are different ships or those two charcters doing something (you can pretend its not that ship or whatever if you dont like it). Sorry that this was a bit short but ya know im working on it. I dont own any characters!
Kaia out

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