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Romano's POV
Crack! Boom! A thunderstorm was starting and I was terrified of it. Most people don't know but I am scared of thunderstorms. So right now I am curled up in a ball, the blankets from my bed covering my trembling form.

"Damn tomato bastard, where is he? He knows I'm scared of thunder storms! He should have gotten up by now!" I whisper-yelled angerly, burrowing farther into my sheets. CRACK! BOOM! The thunder got louder. Tears started to run down my face. "S-spain b-better get i-in here s-s-soon!" I cried out softly. But he didn't come in to comfort me. Well that was until a particularly loud thunder clap boomed throughout the house.

Spain's POV
BOOM! A ear ringing sound jolted me awake. It took me a couple seconds to process that there was a thunder storm. "THUNDER STORM! ROMA!!" I shouted, not a soul hearing my yell with the storm rumbleing over my voice. I bolted out of the room in a second, heading straight to Romano's room. "He must be terrified!" I whispered, guilt in my voice. I knew Roma was scared of thunderstorms, and always needed someone who knew how to comfort him in his time of need. Thing is I had slept through enough of the storm to know that Roma would be crying, curled up in a ball, with no one to help him.

When I got to Romano's room, he wasn't on the bed in a ball like I thought. "Roma?" I called, my voice gentle. "Roma are you here?" I called again. My hope was that he hadn't gone anywhere, which would be a big delay in the terms to getting to him. "S-spain?" I heard a soft whimper come from the closet. I closer to where I heard the sound. As I got closer I heard more whimpering, and I heard soft sobs coming from the closet. CRACK! BOOM! A small scream came from the closet, sobs getting louder. I opened the door, finding a sobbing Romano, wrapped in blankets. He was huddled in the back corner, shivering and shaking under the pile of blankets wrapped tightly around him.

I kneeled down in front of him, trying to get him to let me take away the blankets. "Nngh!" He whimpered, which basically meant 'no' (thats right kids getcha mind outta the gutter). "Hey, hey Roma it's me. It's ok, you'll be fine." I told him in a soothing voice. "S-s-spain? Is it really you?" He asked, voice shaking. I pulled the blankets off his head, brushing his hair out of his tear stained face. "Of course it's me Roma, I told you that I would never leave you alone during a storm." I looked in his eyes, keeping my expression calm and loving. "W-why did i-i-it t-take you s-so long t-to get h-here?" He glared weakly at me. "I'm sorry Roma I didn't wake up until a little while ago." I apologized, brushing tears off his face. "Y-you should b-be y-y-you bastardo y-you know I-I'm s-scar-" CRACK! BOOM! Instead of finishing his sentence he squeaked and lept into my arms, crying into my chest.

"Shhh. You're ok, you're ok." I comforted him. He just hugged onto me tighter as I rubbed his back, doing my best to sooth him. "Do you want to move back into the bed?" I whispered softly in his ear. He shook his head no, keeping his head buried in my chest.

"Ok, we'll stay here then." I replied to him. I gathered him up thighter in my arms, moving to the corner. I positioned him in my lap so I could press my back against where the two walls meet. While I was repositioning Roma, he thought for a split second that I was trying to pull him off me, making him cling onto me with a death grip. I chuckled very softly, saying, "I'm not leaving you Roma, you know that." A muffled 'I know' came from my little Roma on me.

I pulled all the blankets and sheets that Roma had drug to the closet over us, making sure that we were wrapped thightly. CRACK! BOOM! Roma shivered violently and sobbed louder, clutching on to my shirt. "Shhhh, Roma it'll be ok." I said before I started to sing an old spanish lulluby that never failed to calm Roma down. As I continued singing, Roma's tears and sobs started to stop, as well as the waves of shaking began to slow down. The lulluby did it's job as Romano finally began to fall asleep. I kept the singing up and he was then peacefully in my arms. The shivering, shaking, and sobbing had disappeared from his form. "Sleep well Roma." I said as I drifted to sleep, keeping my arms wrapped around my little Roma.

Hey guys! How was that one?

Now again i got the base or whatever you wanna call it from a headcannon. Yeah all i did was scour pinterest for hetalia headcannons to make into oneshots, cause IVE ONLY HAD ONE PERSON (at least that i saw) GIVE ME A REQUEST! but anywayyyyy if you want to read a specific oneshot, then suggest it! I will not do lemons, but anything else is fine. Oh yeah the lulluby thing we're just gonna say that romano knows spanish, even if he dosent. Hope ya liked it!
Kaia out

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